Chapter 1

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-- this is the first fanfiction i've ever written so be nice c: -- -- this is a Justin Hills fanfic but the other members wll also be mentioned.. as well as pierce the veil and all time low --

..Justins pov..

"That show was fvcking amazing !" kellin yells as he runs down the stairs from the stage.

"hell yeah" i reply. we just played soma san diego with memphis mayfire, breath carolina, and issues. it was awesome, i love those guys and the fans were perfect.. "im gonna go the the van real quick, ill be right back" i say, kellin and gabe nod and i leave. its late and cold, the pavement is lit up by the moon, glass is scattered on the ground from the drunk fans.

"damn, that was perfect. i wish sleeping with sirens played every night" a group of girls walk past me and i laugh, i kinda wish we did to "HOLY CRAP, JUSTIN ?!" one of them screams and runs up to me, the others following behind

"yeah" i smile, i like talking with the fans, they always get so excited

"omggg, can you like sign something. ahh i cant believe this is happening one sec, im gonna get a paper or something" the girl who yelled before says and begins digging in her purse. the other two stand behind her. one smiles and cries so i smile back. the other just stands politely, she blushes when i smile at her. "ahhh, okay i found something. here" she hands me a notebook and a sharpie

"haha okay, do you want me to sign something for all of you or...?" the girl behind her smiles and nods, the other one just looks at me with her big green eyes. "what're your names ?" i ask.

"im adrienne" the one in the front says and squeals

"tiffany" replies the one that had been crying

"iris" mumbles the one with the beautiful green eyes

"here ya go" i smile and hand them the three signed papers.

..iris's pov..

holy fvck, its justin. i panick and keep quiet, not telling adrienne and tiffany that the most perfect person to ever exist is just feet from us.

"HOLY CRAP" adrienne yells "JUSTIN ?!" damnit, she noticed. he walks towards us and they begin talking. i cannot believe that we're so close, i never thought this would happen. adrienne starts talking to him and i freak out.

"haha okay, do you want me to sign something for all of you or...?" justin says. shit he's talking to me. tiffany nods and i just stare at him. damn hes perfect "what're your names ?" he asks

"tiffany" she mumbles, shes been crying. ugh, i should give her a tissue or something. justin looks at me

"iris" i say, seriously iris ?! you shouldve smiled or something. i probably seem like an idiot.

"here ya go" he smiles and walks off towards the busses. probably to go pack up or something. i look at adrienne and tiffany and clutch my paper. theyre both flipping out and reading and re-reading the papers. shit i should open mine to. i open it and read it

iris, meet me at the sws bus in 5.. -justin hills

holy crap, does that say what i think it does ?! i look at adrienne and tiffanys paper

adrienne thanks for being a fan -justin hills

tiffany, thanks for listening. dont cry :( -justin hills

fvck, uhm, okay... mines the only one. what tf am i supposed to do ?

"i cannot believe that we just met justin fvcking hills" adrienne squeals

"me....neither....holy shit.." tiffany breathes

"i cant believe that just happened either.." i say, am i supposed to tell them what mine says ? should i meet him on the bus ?

heyy c: first off thank you SO much for reading, you have no idea how much it means to me. this is only thie first chapter and a lot more will be coming soon so don't worry. leave feedback saying what you like and what you would do and all that stuff. i wanna hear from you guys. the girl with on the side is adrienne, im gonna let you imagine iris for awhile. sorry its so short, the next one will be much longer. thanks again for reading cx

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