Chapter 10

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...Justin's pov...

i stop down the street from her house. it was a 20 hour drive and i didn't stop once, i just drove, on and on, just thinking about what to say. how to explain myself, how to tell her i cheated, how to tell her that its true.. once a cheater always a cheater. 

I'm a fucking disgrace, i went there to break up with her not fuck her against a wall. what the hell is wrong with me?! i shut my eyes and gather my thoughts, driving the rest of the way to her house and walking up to her red door. i take a deep breath and ring the doorbell, it immediately swings in and my beautiful baby girls smile lights up my eyes i laugh and take her into my arms, whispering to her how much she really does mean to me. we walk inside and go up to her room (not gonna have s3x cause there's enough of that in these past few chapters lol) 

"i missed you" she says and i take a seat next to her on her bed

"i missed you too darling" i kiss her and i feel her smile "but...." she pulls away and looks at me, worry filling her eyes "I'm so sorry"

"don't say that" a single tear falls down her face "don't apologize because there's no reason for you to, you didn't do anything wrong" she tries to smile and i shut my eyes 

"you're the only thing that makes me truly happy, you know that. you and my music, you're all i need" 

"please Justin" her voice cracks

"i didn't mean to do it. but i did and..." she cuts me off

"what did you do?" she stands up and i sense the anger in her gentle voice. i shut my eyes i cant tell her i cant manage to speak the words. so i lift off my shirt, her eyes immediately going to the line of hickeys on my stomach and chest

"i don't feel anything for her" my eyes fill with tears as she takes a step back

"well.. you obviously felt something for her yesterday" she says, looking once more at my shirtless self "but, how can i be mad? i did the same to her. i guess i deserve this" she laughs and i stand, making my way over to her, i reach out to touch her but she jerks back "it doesn't mean i forgive you" she steps aside, motioning for me to leave

"baby i-" i attempt to change her mind but she stops me

"save it Justin. i don't want to hear it right now okay? ill call you" i kiss her cheek and walk down her stairs, making my way out of her house, and out of her life

...iris's pov...

Justin walks down my staircase and out the door, not once looking back. i drop to the floor, my emotions consuming me and my tears overwhelming me. i knew this was going to happen so why am i still in so much pain. was it cause i thought he loved me enough to not do this to me? was it cause i thought what we had was real? i take in a deep breath and stand up, going to my phone and calling Adrienne

"hey!" she answers 

"hey love, do you have any of that stuff left?" i shut my eyes and hope she gives the answer i want

"hell yeah, come over. I'm home alone and tiff might come over later" i smile and run down my stairs

"ill be there in a few" i hang up and check the mirror, i wipe the tear stains from my cheeks and proceed to the alcohol cabinet, grabbing my old pinnacle vodka i had hidden for bad times. i stuff it in my bag and get in my car, driving the few minutes to Adrienne's house.

she hears me pull up and runs down her driveway

"i feel like i haven't seen you in forever you bitch" she hugs me and i laugh 

Your Forever // Justin HillsWhere stories live. Discover now