a/n. please read

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hey !!

first off thank you so much for reading it means a lot c: but i am adding this cause i changed some of ch 2 and i also added a bunch on the end so if you start readin ch 3 and are confused thats why, so just re-read ch 2 ^.^ sorry for any like inconvenience or anything


when things are in italics its because they're thinking

i named her iris cause of the goo goo dolls cover they did of iris. i know its techinically not a sws song but i really like it so..

i am skipping the details of the first time they have sex cause I'd rather not write that aha, I'm not gonna make this a smut fan-fic so... sorry but I'd Rather write about something different and more meaningful or whatever so keep reading to find out what that iscx

mmkay, im pretty sure thats all i have to say atm but srsly guys thank you SO much for reading

keep commenting and voting please <3


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