Chapter 8

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...iris's pov...

what did i expect? did i really think some could love me? especially someone like him..? i cant believe i let myself fall for him.. i loved him and i knew that someday i would be in love with him. he was special and he really seemed like he loved me. what the fuck is wrong with me?! im the other woman.. i ruined a relationship, maybe even a life.

well.. i didnt know, does it still count? of course it counts iris! what the hell is wrong with you?

i need to see him, it'll be hard but he's leaving soon and chances are i'll never see him again if i dont see him now. it's just closure i guess.

I pick up my phone.. Should I do this? What if I'm making a mistake... I type it and press send. After all, what have I got to lose

...Justin's pov...
My phone lights up 1 new message from iris<3 I open it, scared of what it might say Today.. My house, at noon.. Unless you've changed your mind I smile and reply I could never change my mind. see you there I put away my phone and look at the clock, I have a half hour until I see my baby again.. I just hope she's still mine. I walk to my closet and slip on a shirt and my new black skinny jeans.. She always loved the way I dressed. I grab my SnapBack and head to my car, I have to think about what I'm gonna say to keep her and a drive along the coast just might help me do just that.

...iris's pov...
Justin's gonna be here any minute, why am I so fucking nervous?? I walk to the mirror for the last time and look at myself, I'm wearing Justin's favorite outfit, my black denim shorts and sws sweatshirt. I grab his hat that's sitting on my table and walk down the stairs as the doorbell rings
...Justin's pov...
I ring the doorbell and a shiver runs down my spine.. I'm so nervous I can't stand it. I take a few deep breaths and she opens the door, her eyes are a light red like she's been crying and my old hat rests on her perfect head. She's wearing her sws sweatshirt and little black shorts, I always loved that outfit. It was so easy to slip off.
"Come in" she mumbles. I walk past her and into her house
"No ones home?" I ask
"Just us. but you're just here to explain yourself, don't get any ideas" she closes the door and sits next to me on her couch.
"Okay.. I'm gonna tell you everything but I need you to just listen okay? Cause I need you to know this" she looks at me and then nods her head so I begin. "Me and Lindsey have been dating for awhile and I loved her, she was my girlfriend ya know? And then when we played that show at soma.. And I saw you.. She just faded away. I gave you that note without thinking of the consequences and I am so sorry for that, I never wanted for anyone to get hurt. But, the more time we spent together the more I realized that I was never in love with Lindsey, I just thought I loved her. I was wrong, I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you and I could stop falling for you. I know I shouldn't of kept Lindsey from you but I was scared you would leave. I'll cut it off with her because you're all I need" I look at her, searching her face for an emotion. She opens her mouth to speak but instead closes it and leans closer to me
"Promise to cut it off" she kisses me and I smile
"I promise" I kiss her neck and she she slides her hand up my thigh I pull of her sweatshirt and kiss her, leaving a trail of love bites down to her chest. She pulls me back up and we kiss, her lips grant my tongue access and she pushes me down so she's on top. I feel her fingers fumbling to undo my pant button and I help her slide them off.
Eventually all of our clothes lay scattered on the floor and we move rhythmically together on her couch, moans escaping her soft lips. I run my hands down her sides and her hands stay on my chest, supporting her up. She leans down and kisses me as I flip her so I am once again on top her fingers tangle with my hair and she gasps as we finish. She kisses me and I roll off of her, we lay there breathing heavily, sweat dripping down our bare bodies.
"I love you too" she whispers as she wraps her arms around me. I smile and kiss her once more.
"Prove it.. Again" she laughs and pulls me off the couch, leading me upstairs to her room, and her bed.

Well, that update only took what? Two months? I can't apologize enough but even though that chapter was short.. It was good😏 I'll probably update again in the next few days cause I now remember how much fun this is. And I have a few surprises in store for you guys.
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