Chapter 13

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... Justin's pov ...
I pull into the driveway, the car is quiet. Kellin always knows when to speak and better yet, when not to.
"I don't know if I can do this.." I mumble
"Well, nothing's impossible and communication is key. What's the worst that can happen? I'll be there" he smiles and unlocks his door
"Let's go" I clench and unclench my fist as I get out of the car, Kellin is waiting for me
I ring the doorbell and she immediately opens it,
"I saw your car pull up" she sighs "come in" she forces a smile since Kellin is around. we walk in and Kellin closes the door behind us
"Why're you here? If you don't mind me asking" she scowls and takes a seat on the bar stool motioning for us to sit as well.

.. Iris pov ..

i watch as justins car pull up shit i walk to the door and wait for him to appear. i quickly open the door when the doorbell rings, he and kellin stand there nervously 

"come in" i attempt me friendliest smile in hopes to make kellin even the least bit comfortable. "why're you here?" i wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans "if you dont mind me asking" i take a seat and have them sit too.

"justin wanted to.. clear some things up" kellin smiles. Justin never lets anyone speak for him and Kellin knows that.. is he okay? 

"alright" i look at Justin i still love him.

"iris..." he shuts his eyes and takes a breath "i know what you want regarding your-" he pauses and laughs "our baby. and although i dont agree, i understand. i mean, youre young. im sorry iris.. really" his voice cracks and i quickly touch his knee with my hand

"i wasnt expecting you to react how you did.. but i wasnt expecting myself to do what i did either. i am so fucking sorry" i look at kellin and he walks to justin, whispering something in his ear. justin looks up at me and moves his knee from under my hand

"iris. i love you, you know that?" i nod my head "ill love this baby too"

"fuck. justin" i clench my fists and stand up, walking away from the boys "i. am. not. keeping. it." i say it slowly, making sure he understands "i dont want to fight with you but you cant be so goddamn stupid!" shit, dont yell iris

"im the stupid one?! how am i the stupid one?!" he screams and stands up, walking toward me "we love eachother, we can raise a baby together! look at kellin and katelynne!" he puts his hand on my shoulder "please"

"im not ready" i mutter and walk to kellin, whispering in his ear "you understand me dont you?" he looks at me and i walk to the other room

...Justins pov...

iris whispers something to kellin and goes to her living room. i take a seat back on the stool and kellin does as well

"youre 27" kellin laughs and i look up at him "i love cope more than words and i dont know what i would do without her but i promise you justin, you dont want to bring a baby into this world that isnt wanted"

"i want her" i state

"do you want iris?" kellin stands again


"she isnt going to chnage her mind and she needs your support. you two are in love, dont let this fuck it all up. you chnaged your entire life for her" he grabs my hand, pulling me out of my seat and onto my feet once more

"exaclty" i hiss "this is the least she can do for me" i walk into the livingroom with iris, leaving kellin behind. she looks up at me, god she really is stunning. i stop myself from smiling and sit near her

"why?" i ask

"i am not ready justin. i dont want to lose you but i know in my heart i will not be able to mother this child the way it deserves. please understand and respect that" her eyes cloud with tears

"i can do it iris. please" i wipe the drop falling from her eye and she looks at me 

"justin. i cant. please listen" she stands but i reach for her waist and hold her, standing behind her and kissing her neck and jaw like i know she loves

"i love you darling" i breathe, turning her toward me and softly kissing her perfect lips. she takes in a deep breath and grins

"i love you just the same." she kisses my nose and laughs

"i will go with you to the clinic if you do something for me" i move my hands down her waist and pull her as close to me as possible, she smiles and wraps her arms around me 

"yes?" she whispers

"just promise me your forever"


well.. justin changed his mind quickly... or did he *wink wink*

super un edited and short, im sorry lol

im also sorry it took so long to update!!

love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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