Chapter 7

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..justins pov..

i walk upstairs and into iris's room, my phones sitting on the nightstand

"hello ?" i answer

"hey babe, what're you up to" its Lindsey..

"with the guys, working on some stuff, what about you" i say i cant keep lying to her.. its not right

"just missing you" she laughs

"i miss you too baby"

"i really just want this tour to be over and for you to come home.." she sighs

"lindsey its fine, ill be back soon"

"i love you justin.."

"babe I gotta go, we're practicing some new music, I love you" i hang up and open the door.. iris stands there.. staring at me. her eyes filled with tears, please don't cry

"what're you doing up here baby" i smile and reach for her hand but her hands pulls back and a single tears sheds from her beautiful eyes

"why did you do it" she asks.. i just stare at her.. i don't know why

"iris what're you taking about ?" maybe i can just play stupid.. but shes to smart for that

"why did you sleep with me and tell me you loved me and do all those things ?! you're a liar !" she never raises her voice, but she does now "you have Lindsey so you didn't need me !" she yells and continues to cry "you love her and she loves you and you should've never given me that note ! what the hell were you even thinking justin ?!" what was i thinking..? my eyes flood with tears but i blink them away, not allowing myself to cry

"iris I-" i reach for hand again but she jerks away again..

"don't touch me.." she looks away "..ever again" what did i do...

"I don't love her.. I wasn't lying when I said I loved you. I didn't -" she cuts me off. i did love lindsey... but not anymore. i really am in love with iris.

"didn't what mean for me to find out or maybe you didn't mean to sleep with me more than once. what am I to you justin ? I'm not gonna let myself be treated like this.. I can't" shes still crying.. maybe its a good thing she knows.. she steps aside and motions to the stairs "get out" i shut my eyes and walk to her

"I do love you" i say and kiss her for the last time "that wasn't a lie" i walk down the stairs and out the door, shutting it behind me. i quickly make my way to my car and break down, tears spill from my eyes and my shoulders shake. i take a deep breath its okay.. its gonna be okay.. i grip the wheel and back out of her driveway, tears still falling from my eyes stop crying.. you have lindsey i continue driving to my hotel youre leaving here in just a few days.. it will all be over and you'll forget i drive into the parking lot for my hotel and pull into my space. i dry my eyes with my shirt and take a breath. i open my door and go into the hotel

"good evening sir" the concierge smiles and i smile back, well, that's good. i can still manage to fake a smile even though I'm dying inside i walk past him and into the elevator. 

"omg wait" the girl next to me says "youre the bassist for that one band with kellin quinn.. uhm sleeping with sirens right?" she doesnt even know my name, fans like this piss me off. they only know kellin

"yeah" i get out of the elevator and go to my room what the fvck was i thinking writing her that, i should of just let it be. i do love lindsey.. i do.. i have to.  i sit on my bed attempting to convince myself until the clock on the bedside table beeps


i pick up my phone and just stare at it dont text her, just leave her alone.. you love lindsey remember.. iris doesnt want anything to do with you.. this is pointless i text her, not expecting her respond

I'm leaving San Diego in 3 days.. I want to talk to you , I need to talk to you. I'll do anything just to see you once more -justin

i regret sending it.. im such an idiot she doesnt want you justin... why even try. my phone vibrates and i pick it up

i don't know why but, I'll see you before you leave.. hear what you have to say. just not today, I have family shit to take care of.

i smile maybe it wasnt pointless... maybe she does love me... and shes just mad. i know i would be. i hope shes okay though.. what family stuff ? i dont reply and set my phone down next to me 

hellooo, this chapter is pretty pointless. i just felt like i needed to update and i wanted to write justins pov (: thanks for reading and voting all all that stufff. ily guys

..this pretty much doesnt have anything to do with the chapter but i have like a new obsession with bring me the horizon so i downloaded all of their albums lol but sleepwalking (from sempiternal) is like my new addiction and i thought that it maybe kinda sorta perhaps fit with this chapter.. but not really.. but anyway. i added it to the siiide (or top if youre on your phone) so yeah, thats why its there.

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