Chapter 3

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..iris's pov.. 

"holy shit" justin breathes and rolls off me "that was.."

"..fvcking amazing" i finish "you're fvcking amazing" i turn and face him, the light from the moon comes through the window and he glistens with sweat, i smile, i dont think this day could get any better.

..justins pov..

damn, i wish i could stay here forever i smile and pull her closer to me.

bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz my phone vibrates on the table next to the couch

"ughhhh" i let go of iris and reach for my phone

lindsey <3 

"i have to uhm.. answer this" i get off the couch and walk to the bunks, closing the door to the back lounge so she cant hear. i answer "hey baby, whats up"

"nothing i just wanted to hear your voice. youve been gone for so long im going crazy" she sighs.. i do love her.. dont i ? i mean if i really loved her i wouldnt have cheated on her though.. right ?

"i miss you to babe" i smile, i really do "we just finished a set and are getting ready to get back on the road though so uhm, can i call you later ?"

"of course. be safe justin" i feel her smile "i love you"

"i love you too..." i hang up the phone and go back to iris

..iris's  pov..

justins phone begins to vibrate and he groans. he picks it up off the table, his eyes get wider

"i have to uhm.. answer this" he leaves the room and closes the door behind him it was probably someone in sws wondering where he was i get off the couch and begin to gather my clothes that are scattered on the floor. i have to get back to adrienne and tiffany, ive been gone for awhile.

"hey" justin smiles and runs his hand through his hair "where are you going ?"

"i have to get back to my friends" i pause and look at him "theyre probably worried" i slip my shirt back on and look for my shoes

"here" he hands me them "call me please.. i wanna see you again" he smiles and hands me a folder paper as well

"what" i laugh "once wasnt enough for you" i walk closer to him and he wraps his hands around my waist

"i could never get enough of you" he whispers and kisses my neck, adding to the trail of love bites leading down my chest. i moan

"i really have to go" i pull away and begin to leave but he stops me and yanks me towards him our lips colliding

"you better call me" he lets go and i kiss him once more

"believe me" i blush "i will"

heyy cx this is pretty much a filler chapter but its good lol.

i dont really know if iris should tell her friends or not so heeellllpp !

thanks for reading ^.^ it means a lot

comment and vote and all that stuff. aight well.... have a great day and keep reading. 

sorry it took so long to update

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