A Prologue from a Prayerful Soul

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1/1/2018 -gently edited 8/19/20

It is a new year 

and a new beginning. 

God please send a miracle

that will send the world spinning. 

I've heard many cries,

seen many tears of loss-

Loss of battles between kind, open eyes

and blinded with rage ones. 

Will you see us Jehovah

and not forget us?

Will you open your loving hand

to bless us, not with more material things,

but gifts much more grand?

"How long must I pray?"

ask many before me and many after.

Is your Holy Spirit guiding or is it

our fear?

How do I differentiate between the voices in my head

that all sound the same?

Where is your tone among them all?

So many questions.

I must breathe

and trust your guiding hand.

Not all who wander are lost,

but me,

I cannot tell what I am. 

My imagination will follow me

into this year.

The pain will not burn out, 

and Your fire never will. 

Please bring peace and harmony,

even if the notes sound off. 

We are no perfect family;

but with You we are not lost. 

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, '"The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him'" -Lamentations  3:22-24 

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