To Self: I Love You

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Here's to the future:

the past is long gone.

Each second is a new tomorrow,

you don't have to be who you were before.

Every blink,

Every gasp of air,

Every heartbeat is purpose

And every tear means good things are near. 

What will I do today?

For I can't see tomorrow.

Yesterday is an old song,

I can only hope and act now. 

Stop being too busy 

with what is wasting your minutes.

What brings momentary glee

may not give eternal joy.

Remember you're a princess;

"there's nothing special about you"

doesn't keep you from being special.

Remember you're loved.

Remember you're forgiven,

and not lost but found.

The King loves your smile, but He won't scorn your frown. 

Use your anger to battle the darkness,

but you must remember what it is that is dark.

You are a treasure, even when you sin.

The goal of perfection will not be met here. 

But God is still working,

if you just keep letting Him in.

Speak life,

breathe hope.

Your hands are Christ's

and where your feet step, so does His presence.

The failures of the last minute-

are already forgotten. 

Indeed the Lord does not remember.

Stop living like you're in prison.

Today you're a free man.



  "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope."   -Romans 15:4

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