Hummingbirds Are Real

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5/29/18 -gently edited 8/19/20

Hummingbirds are real.

Here are some facts.

They flap their wings so fast

you can hardly tell they are wings!

They hover by green trees,

and flowers in bushes

which are the homes of real bees!

My swift legs rush by.

Even when they are tired and slow down,

I still do not look and see

God's glorious reality.

It is not until I fully stop 

that I realize the nature in front of me. 

So take the music out of your metal ears

and hear the music of the Lord's creation,

its own movie that never ends

but watches yours and mine 

come and go.

It waits patiently 

for the arrival of its King

to come to glory,

and rule forevermore.

Am I waiting?

Am I watching?

These are the moments the scales fall off my eyes. 

"And God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." -Genesis 1:31 

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