Thoughts on the Sun (Simulator)

28 1 2

5/26/2017 -gently edited 8/19/20

If the sun isn't real

what is?

The plants or the trees?

The ocean's waves?

Creatures crawling on the ground?

If the clouds tell lies

and the sky doesn't know its own color,

are we all deceived,

distracted by screens?

Are fictional characters

more real than life?

Do I care more for the fake than my faith

ignoring the problems at hand?

Does this paper diploma I carry

mean anything if I don't know 

what I'm doing with it?

When did reality become so much less real?

When did fantasies become the center of my mind?

My world is a simulation, 

now both inside and out.

Why would God let this happen,

Let the world have so much power?

The only real thing is pain,

suffering is the answer;

until I cry out to my Lord

waiting on the other side of

the glass river. 

  "Then Elisha prayed and said, 'O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see.' So the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha." -2 Kings 6:17 

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