Winter Secrets

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Antonio groaned "please Lovi just eat the soup it'll make you feel better..."

"I'm not hungry you bastard-!" Lovino  argued, hiding his face in his arms, his cheeks burned a bright red and he didn't have much of an appetite,  strange as normally he would never turn down Antonio's cooking, as much as he wanted to deny it, Toni's cooking always made him feel better when he was upset or sick. With a slight frown Antonio scooped the tiny Italian into his arms without a second thought.

"You need sleep."

Romano didn't bother arguing this time, he was in fact tired, not just tired of his friends shit, but wanted to lay down and sleep comfortably in his bed. The tallest of the two boys smiled down at his best friend fondly, carrying him up the stairs to Romano's bedroom.

Gently he layed the small Italian onto his bed after pulling back the covers.  He was so cute Antonio wanted nothing more than to kiss his soft, pink, lips. With a sigh he sat on the edge of the bed, running a hand through Romano's dark, almost black hair.

"Toni...."a small voice mumbled, grabbing a hold of Antonio's sleeve loosely, "don't leave yet okay ?" His voiced cracked slightly, he couldn't tell if it was from dehydration or being seconds from crying.

"Of course not my little tomato..." He replied softly, laying next to the boy who had managed to capture his heart. Antonio wrapped his arms protectively around his childhood friends waist, feeling Lovino snuggle into his chest as he kissed his forehead.

Maybe he did have a chance afterall.
The pair practically slept through the day, enjoying the comfort and warmth of one another as the snow piled up outside the windows of Romano's house.

With a yawn Romano slowly came into consciousness, as he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was the peaceful face of the boy sleeping next to him.

A defeated look plastered upon Romano's face as he spoke, "Is it so wrong that this feels so right...?" He muttered talking mostly to himself rather than the man next to him before planting a sweet kiss to Antonio's lips as he slept.

A tear managed to escape from his eye while Romano hadn't been paying attention, why was he crying? This...this feeling...what was this feeling...? If it was love then...why did it hurt so badly...was it so wrong of him to be in love with another man...? Tears rolled down his cheeks, and this time he let them fall. He knew what would happen if he confessed his feelings, Toni would accept without hesitation, he'd pity him and let Roma dance in the delusion of what was a one sided love even if Antonio didn't return the feeling. Toni was selfless like that, he wouldn't want Lovi to know the pain of rejection.

He couldn't do that to Antonio. He was selfish for letting himself grow so attached to his only true friend.

He wanted to run away from his feelings, away from his friends arms and into the nearest hiding spot to curl up and pretend he didn't exist. But for now, he thought as he snuggled up to his friends chest once more.

This moment was all that mattered now.


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