Chapter Eleven

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Ash's PoV

      Uhhgg, the last week has been so boring! We still have 2 weeks left before Sera is back and we can take over. It's boring and I'm extremely impatient. I glance over at John who seems to be falling asleep. I smirk evilly and start to poke him repeatedly. I really know how to annoy him. He glares at me, but I just give him an innocent look before returning my attention to the lesson. The bell rings and it's time for our art class. I basically forced John to take it with me. I grab him and start practically dragging him down the hall to the class. Not a lot of people take the class, but I thought it was the best. Their loss right?

      "Ok class, today we will finally be working with clay. I want you each to make a sculpture that is  a representation of who you are," the teacher says and John gives me a dead inside look. I roll my eyes and say,

      "Hey, it'll be fun! You just need to actually try at something." I smirk and he rolls his eyes.

      "I do try at things!" he said indignantly. I roll my eyes and snicker. I start working the clay so it's soft and easier to work with. I started humming while shaping it into a heart, then using one of my tools I carve a smaller heart into the middle of it. I see this heart thing in my dreams a lot but I'm not quite sure what it means. Using the clay paint shit or whatever its called, I'm pretty sure it's just acrylic paint, the schools cheap,  I make the heart turquoise like my hair and the middle heart black. Something seems to be missing... Oh yeah! In my dream it always had a sort of chain binding the black heart to the turquoise one. I carve out the chain and carefully paint it gold. I look over at John and sigh, I have no idea what he's doing and from the look on his face I can tell he doesn't either. I help him attempt to make his sculpture look like something that looks like a statue. We put the clay in the kiln and head out. We meet up with Brian in the hall and start talking about what we're gonna do after school.

      "OwO! We should go to the movies!" I say excitedly and John give me a weird look.

      "Ash did... Did you just say OwO out loud?" John asks and I freeze. John and Brian start dying laughing. I kick Brian in the shins and give John a look. They stopped laughing as they're either in pain or scared for their lives. I chuckled and we start heading up to the roof for our free period. Once we get up there I clap my hands together and turn to John, the flames of my fujoshi heart rekindled.  

       "Ok so! John, I have reason to believe Arlo loves you soooo... I have made a new plan! He comes up here all the time, right? So Brian and I will levitate by the side of the school and you and Asslo will be up here alone. That way if anything goes wrong we can just float up and save your sorry ass!" I smile and John nods, reluctantly.

      "Well alright, it's a good idea. Oh! I think I hear him! Guys go quickly!" I nodded and activate my ability. I make Brian and myself float over the fence and. We hover just out of sight over the side of the building, John leans against the fence in front of us and pulls out his phone. He still hadn't gelled his hair, thank God, so this was going to be absolutely perfect.

Arlo's PoV

      I really hoped that I would be able to chill on the roof. This had been an extremely stressful past couple of days. I opened the door and saw John, alone, leaning against the fence on his phone. Oohh fuck. He looks up and our eyes meet for a moment. He looks up and down my body as if a wolf inspecting a deer. At least that's what it felt like. He tsks and looks back at his phone. I guess that was his way of giving me permission to stay. Something about him seemed different, threatening. I walk over and sit against the fence a couple of feet away from him. We have an hour up here alone. That's plenty of time for us to have some fun, but first I have to get him to forgive me. I move a bit closer to him. He chuckled briefly before stretching and sitting down, he seems very relaxed even though I'm right here. Has he already moved on? Does he hate me now? Is he with Ash? I sigh and hear him chuckle. I look over and he's texting someone. Ash? I try to see what he's saying to them without him realizing but I'm not close enough to see. I move a bit closer trying to see the message. Soon I'm almost right next to him. He sighs and, upon closer inspection, he seems more sad then relaxed. He smirks briefly at her next message and quickly texts back. I give a sad sigh and he looks up, rather startled at how close I was. I now realize we are almost touching and I look away. I can hear his breathing I'm so close.I pull out my phone and start scrolling, I hear him sniff and he looks back down. I bite my lower lip, he's close! I almost want to lean against him. I close my eyes and exhale sharply, fuck. I just want to touch him, to be closer to him. It's weirdly calming, listening to him breath. I really didn't get much sleep last night...maybe if I just close my eyes for a bit.

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