Chapter Three

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"Where did you get this!?" I scream, marvelling at it's beauty, I've been trying to get my hands on one of these for months but I haven't had enough money.

"Mr. Carson's shop down the street, last one." He looks proud and I try not to slap him right across his face, I've wanted that camera for months and I almost had enough money, one more shift at the coffee shop and it would've been mine.

"Oh, wow, good for you." I try not to let him see how upset I am, and Spark seeing it and coming to my rescue distracts Caleb with questions and a photo shoot. So I can sit here feeling bad for myself, but happy for Caleb. I know I'm being childish but I can't help it.

Caleb has had everything handed to him on a silver platter, the worst thing that's happened to him was his parents separation. I can't help but feel a little jealous, but he's my friend so I put on a smile and congratulate him on what is, his newest prize.

After a time consuming photo shoot that lasted until we got off the Ferris wheel. We start to head home, Caleb and Spark having a conversation and walking in front of me as I trail behind, lost in thought.

"Hey Ember...can I talk to you for a second?" I'm just about to leave Caleb's backyard with Spark when he calls after me, Spark looks back and nods. She waves a goodbye to Caleb and goes to wait for me on the street.

"What's up?" I ask, putting my hands on my hip and slightly tapping my foot.

"What's going on between us? You know how I-" he looks down at his feet. "You know how I feel about you. I just don't know how you feel about me." He sighs and looks at me begging for an answer.

"Your my friend, my best friend...don't jeopardize that relationship on some little crush." I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm and pulls me back so I'm facing him.

"It's not, a little crush." he leans in and before I know what's happening, he's kissing me, urgently, almost like he's trying to convince me to feel something towards him. I put my arms around his neck pulling him closer, while one part of me screams for me to stop; he puts his hands on my hips and pulls me closer to him.

Using every bit of strength I can muster, I pull away, I look at his eyes, hopeful, nervous, patient. I turn around and walk off, as he calls after me.

"I know you feel something towards me Ember, you can't deny it!"

I get to the street and Spark looks at me, eyes wide when she sees my face, she puts her hand over her mouth and starts to walk towards me.

I run. I run past my house, down my street, through the town and I just keep running. Faster and faster. I don't stop even when my legs start to hurt, when I find it hard to breath, I just keep running. All these emotions are built up inside me and I don't know what to do about them. I want to scream, I want to yell, I want the world to just disappear.

I don't stop until I get to the fairgrounds, deserted now, dark, lonely, like something out of a horror movie. I stand there shaking, I close my eyes and sigh.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming from behind the house of mirrors. I turn and see a tall figure cloaked in black advancing towards me, hands clenched into fists, they stop and take a battle stance. It's a man, that's all I can tell, I whip around when I hear more footsteps coming from the other side of me. Two men.

The one advances on me, and I think I'm doomed, I've never taken any self defence classes but my emotions control me.

Before the first one can attack me I jump in the air and bring my leg down so it connects with his head with a devastating crack, he's down...for now.

I turn and duck just in time to avoid the remaining guys punch, I'm crouched on the ground now, and I sweep my leg and take out his two feet causing him to topple to the ground. He tries to get up but I'm on him before he can even move to his knees. I do one swift kick to his gut and send my right fist into his face.

I hear a shuffling noise from behind me, and turn just as a fist connects with my side, sending me to the ground. I land with a groan, coming up to my hands and knees.

"You're not so tough are you?" He chuckles and pushes on my back with his foot forcing me back to the ground. He sighs and comes towards me, pulling me up roughly. I take this opportunity to send my foot into his stomach, he gasps in pain and drops me, clutching his stomach.

Wasting no time, I jump up and send my right foot into his face, with such force it knocks him backwards. He falls on his back against the hard, cold, ground, moaning softly, before going completely silent.

The evening air, wrapping my body in it's cold embrace, stilling my emotions temporarily.

Deciding to disappear before anyone finds out what I've done, I head back towards home, still angry, but now also very confused.

The walk home gives me time to cool off and stay in absolute shock of what I just did. Did I just do that?

Millions of questions are jumbled in my mind, making it hard for me to think clearly.

The night has settled around me, calm, ere. I'm now on high alert. Cautious of every sound I hear. My mind is reeling but I'm still in shock.

I wonder allowed, "What did I just do?"

Of course I get no answer, and I chuckle to myself, fully expecting someone to answer me but, the only answer I get is the sound of a cool wind weaving it's way through the lifeless town.

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