Chapter 1: A Destined Encounter

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Something about Twilight Town felt different. As I walked through the brick streets lit by the orange sky, I could hear nothing but the sound of my footsteps. It was unusual, for I could normally perceive the loud rolling of the Tram at least a quarter of a mile away or the yelling children playing games in the street. I continued my way through the town and looked around for someone, anyone.

I ended up at the station heights; additionally, at that point, I had walked all over town and found no one. I stood in the center of the wide area in front of the station and continuously reminded myself that this must have been a dream.

I waited and waited, hoping that I would eventually wake up, but I didn't.

"This can't be real." I sighed and hung my head; however, my heart jumped and my body remained stagnant as I heard an unusual sound from behind me. A sound that I cannot describe.

I didn't want to turn around, for I knew that whatever stood behind me was not human. I slowly turned my body to get a peek at the creature, and as soon as I laid my eyes on it, the white humanoid leaped rapidly in my direction. I screeched in fright, but I surprisingly found myself untouched. I looked back where the creature once stood, and I saw the silhouette of a boy with a curiously large key in his hand. He resembled the boy from my dreams so closely; although, as I moved closer to him, I soon realized that he was someone different.

"Who are you?" I wondered. The boy seemed to have brunette hair, though it proved hard to detect through the influence of the brilliant sun. He turned his attention to me after gaping at the beauty of the twilight.

"Hey there," he gave me a toothy smile and threw his hands behind his head, "I'm Sora."

I extended my hand out to him, expecting a hand shake. "I'm Hana." He stared at my hand for a moment. "Thank you for saving me."

"Uh, no problem." He reached for my hand, and in that instant, it was as if time had slowed. The slightest touch of our fingers caused a synchronization of our hearts into one solid thump.

We halted movement for a short time, for we had no idea what had just happened; despite that, Sora took hold of my hand.

"It's nice to meet you." It seemed as if he completely ignored the bizarre harmonization of our hearts; though, I did too, for my attention shifted to the mysterious object in his right hand.

"What's that?" I asked curiously.

"This?" He finally let go of my hand as he laid the giant key out across both of his palms. "This is my Keyblade." I scrutinized the odd key, and my fascination with it grew more as I continued to stare at the shining silver blade.

"May I hold it?" I looked up at him.

"Uh, I guess so, but don't be surprised when it suddenly disappears." His words turned to soft murmurs as my gaze on the Keyblade intensified. I heard his statement, but the actual meaning behind it failed to register. I picked up the giant key, and held it by the handle in my left hand. I inspected every inch of the Keyblade. The hilt created a yellow, square-like shape around the handle, and a silver chain hung off the top of it. The cut at the end of the blade resembled the outline of a crown.

"This is so awesome." I looked back at Sora when my moment with the Keyblade finally ended, though the sudden raise of his right eyebrow spread perplexity across his face. "What's wrong?"

"I just...uh. Can I have my Keyblade back?"

"Oh! Yes. I'm sorry about that." I quickly handed the Keyblade over to him.

"That's okay. I'm just not used to having to ask for it back."

"Hana!" I heard Hayner's voice, and my head turned almost instantly in his direction. Olette and Pence followed closely behind him as they rushed toward Sora and I. I felt so overjoyed to see them, for I was afraid I had lost them.

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