Chapter 5: A Frozen Heart(Part 2)

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I noticed an intricate castle of ice forming on the North Mountain.

"Sora! Look!"

"That must be Elsa! Let's go!" Sora gasped, and we both darted for the mountain.

Sora and I ran as quickly as possible up the mountain.

"Whoa!" Sora suddenly halted in front of a deep chasm. I couldn't stop myself completely. "Hana!" Sora grabbed my arm and used all of his force to pull me back. He grunted as I fell on top of him.

"Ah! I'm so sorry!" I cried apologetically.

"That's alright. I'm glad you're okay." He smiled.

"Sora! Hana!" We both heard the distant sound of Donald's voice.

"Donald?" Sora looked behind us as I helped him up. "Donald and Goofy!" He rushed over to them and they all danced in a circle while holding hands. I giggled at the sight.

"Looks like we gotta get past this here gorge." Goofy observed as we all stared down the deep canyon.

"Aww, that's a long fall." Donald noted.

"We need to figure a way to get across." Sora told us.

"Go, Sven!" Kristoff's voice called from across the gorge. A reindeer swiftly jumped over the gap and landed on our side. "Sven will get you all across!"

"A reindeer? You have a pet reindeer?" Donald interrogated.

"He's my friend! Not a pet!" Kristoff snapped. Donald turned around to an angry Sven in his face.

"Nice reindeer." Donald cackled with beads of sweat.

"Aww! A reindeer!" I pushed Donald out of the way as I hugged and pet Sven lovingly.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Donald vented as Goofy and Sora pointed and laughed.

Sven jumped us across the chasm in pairs. Sora hopped on his back, and I did the same.

"Hold on tight, Hana." I wrapped my arms around him and shut my eyes tightly. "Here we go." My grip on him grew more tense as Sven picked up speed. Sven became airborne, and the chilling wind blew rapidly as we flew through the air. Sven's hooves abruptly hitting the snow created a thud that delivered me some relief. Kristoff offered me his hands to help  me off of Sven's back, and I gladly accepted.

Sven leaped back across the gap to retrieve Donald and Goofy, repeating the same process as with Sora and I.

"Kristoff! Ana! We saw a big ice castle forming on the side of the mountain. We figured it might be Elsa." I informed.

"Ice castle? That's definitely my sister."

"Hey, guys? I found a staircase leading exactly where we need to go." Olaf casually specified. We all followed Olaf through a natural arch made of rock, and an elaborate staircase made of blueish-purple ice revealed itself. The stairs led to the entrance of the ice palace.

Kristoff and Olaf accompanied Ana to the door while Sora, Donald, Goofy, Sven and I all waited at the base of the stairs. Sven suddenly shoved my shoulder with his nose several times.

"What's wrong?" He looked forward, and our attention turned to a blonde-headed woman in a long, black cloak. It looked just like the cloak Vanitas wore.

"Who are you?" Sora assumed his defensive stance in front of me. The woman giggled vindictively.

"I'm just a spectator."

Sora continued to glare at her.

"So what will Elsa accept?" She reached out toward the palace. "Light," she looked at one hand, "or darkness?" She held up the other. "I know I wanna know."

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