Chapter 9: The Seekers of Forsaken Souls

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The Gummi Ship ride proved as chaotic as ever. Heartless, laser beams, and ship fragments all endlessly bombarded us as we zipped through deep space.

"Almost there, guys! Just a little more!" Sora assured us while the Gummi Ship tossed and turned, evading each aggressive Heartless attack. "Woo hoo!" Sora cheered as we quickly approached Twilight Town. The customary light that deluged us just before every world brought us relief as it removed us from the disorderly depths of space.

"Here, again." I sighed while peering at the inside of the train station.

"C'mon." Sora held out his hand for me as he granted me a delightful smile. I accepted his offering by holding his significantly larger hand. We all headed for a purple train decorated with star-shaped windows and frequent strips of white.

I still hung my head as Sora and I walked side by side, hand in hand. Sora swung our arms back and forth as we walked, and a giggle escaped my lips.

"There ya go!" Sora laughed with me as we approached the door to the train. "After you."

Sora, Donald, Goofy, and I all stepped inside the train and took off. The tracks below us turned to a semiopaque green as our surroundings faded into deep space. My palms pressed against the window as I observed the incredible sight from inside the train.

The train dropped us off on a mini, floating island.

"Whoa." I observed an enormous, twisted tower just ahead. The pointed, green roof displayed imprints of the moon and stars.

"Welcome to Master Yen Sid's tower!" Donald presented.

"What a strange place." I perceived the surrounding area, and the outskirts of the levitating land consisted of tall pine trees.

A seemingly endless staircase instantly caught my attention as we headed inside.

"Um?" I frowned at the sight of the countless set of stairs. "You expect me to survive this?"

"Oh, c'mon!" Sora teased. "You can do this, Hana."

My calves burned and weakened as we climbed the excruciating stairs.

"My legs!" I complained. "Are we almost there?"

"Nope." Sora answered.


We reached the final door at last, and my legs nearly gave out.

"Gimme a sec." I respired heavily.

"How about that! You made it!" Sora jokingly patted my back.

"Quiet, you." I playfully punched his chest as we shared a laugh.

Sora straightened up and prepared to greet Master Yen Sid.

"Okay, let's go." Sora opened the door and revealed from within a circular room with windows in the form of stars and a crescent moon. An ancient man stroked his extensive beard while sitting in a lanky chair positioned at the wide edge of a wooden desk. Riku stood just next to the old Master.

"Hana, I have been expecting you." The Master's deep and raspy voice as well as his appearance displayed his old age.

"So you're Master Yen Sid?" I asked as Sora, Donald, Goofy, and I stood on the other side of the broad desk. The boys all bowed in respect.

"Yes." Master Yen Sid studied my eyes for a short moment. "I see. You have quite the angry fire built within you. It is only waiting for a time when it can leak and obliterate. No doubt the work of Xehanort."

"But Master, surely we can put a stop to it." Sora added.

"It can be done, but it won't be easy. Come, child." The Master reached out both of his hands for me. I hesitated, but I did take hold. Yen Sid shook lightly after an indirect analysis of me. "It seems my assumption of you is true."

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