Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to Allie Labbe

I walked out of the classroom. The ending of the day coming way too late. I walked to my locker, put up my books, grabbed all that I needed, and attempted to make my way to the exit. I stopped, suddenly, due to the force of a hand, with really strong grip, grasping my upper arm. I turned. It was Harry.

"Hi" He said, with that same cheeky smile he flaunted the first time we met.


"I was wondering if I could possibly have your number?" He said with unbelievable confidence.

"I don't have a phone" I teased him.

"Please" He said, pouting and batting his long eyelashes.

I turned, pulled a slip of paper out of my locker, and wrote down my phone number.

"Thank you" He blushed as he slid the slip into his back pocket. And with that, he was off. Walking through the halls like he owned this school, like he had everyone in the room wrapped around his finger. Though I still wasn't sure if he had me.

I spun around so I was facing the direction of the main doors. My phone vibrated in my back pocket, so I pulled it out. But before I could read it or identify the sender, I walked straight into someone. He was tall, two or three inches taller than Harry. He had light brown, slightly curly hair, and the most beautiful eyes. They were hazel and clearer than glass.

Of course Harry was gorgeous. He had those green eyes and that curly hair that is terribly hard to resist. But there was something about this guy. He placed his large hands on my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. His eyes, so clear and beautiful, it felt as if he could see right through me.

"I'm so sorry" I sput out.

"It's fine" He said. His hands were still on my shoulders as he was staring into my eyes.

"Oh" He took his hands off of my shoulders, eyes still locked with mine.

"Noah." He added.

"Spencer" I replied.

"I'll see you around" he said with a smirk. He walked away quickly, probably anxious to get home, just like everyone else. He walked differently than Harry. He had confidence like Harry, just not as much. He seemed sweeter, softer...innocent.

Stepping off to the side, I pulled out my phone to finally read the text.

"Hey it's Harry" It read.

"Hi Harry"

"Do you know what my shirt is made of?" He questioned.

"What, Harry?"

"Boyfriend material" I could see him smirking in my mind.

"Nice try." I replied.

"So will you go out with me?"


"Will. you. go. out. with. me?"

"Come on, Harry. I barely know you."

"All the more reason to say yes."


"Maybe? I can't live off of a 'maybe'"

"Well maybe you might have to."

"Maybe you should just say yes"

"Maybe not."

"One date...pweaseeee"

"I guess..."


"When and where? Before I change my mind."

"I'll pick you up at 8. What's your address?"

"224 Serenity Lane"

"See you then, beautiful. Dress nice(;"

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