1. Moving In

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I was so fucking anxious, nervous, any synonym to those words–I was a mess.
I held on to my boxes as the uber guy helped me with some more in the trunk. I wished my parents were here right about now. I had to face all this new shit by myself, especially since they're 6 hours away from me.

"Thanks!" I told the uber, as I walked in to dorms and through the elevator. Kicking up some of the boxes, I was able to finally get to my dorm. I already had everything adjusted in the dorm, I just had to get some of the little stuff, like my charger, pencils, notebooks, books, stuff like that. I loved reading. That shit kept me busy and distracted from reality.
I haven't met my dorm mates, It made me tense. I knocked on the door, hoping they would be in there already.

The door opened, "Hey! you must be Salem right? Come in!" She helped me with the boxes, smiling widely.

"I'm Kali by the way. Oh and this is Jorja." I shook both of their hands, but instead they each pulled me into a hug.
They were so pretty.
"Nice to meet you guys!" I had my dorm stuff in my hands and quickly set them on the empty bed.

"So you're a sophomore right?" Kali asked, as she closed the door. I smiled and nodded.

"Same here. We been here since freshman year. Where'd you transfer from?" Jorja sat on the bed in front of me.

"This community college from my small town. I was able to transfer out early. I hated it there, so yeah."

"Oh, yeah. You'll love UCLA. It's got a little bit of everything and everyone." Kali laughed.

"I mean, yeah I hope so!"

We started unpacking some suitcases and stuff. I was in the bottom bunk, but fortunately for me, there wouldn't be anyone sleeping above me. Kali and Jorja shared the other bunk bed next to me.
Someone pushed the door open, making me jump a little.

"Hey ladies!" a petite girl with a boy cut came in, hugging both girls.

"Oh shit, Syd, this is Salem. The newbie." Kali introduced me to Syd. She seemed so chill and cool to be around.

"Hey. I'm a couple rooms ahead so if you need me, holla. I'll see y'all around." She flashed a smiled and closed our door.

"That's Syd. She's Taco's sister. He's a junior though, and so is Rocky, Tyler, Nico–,"

Kali stopped talking, immediately noticing the confused look on my face. She laughed.
"You'll find out soon." Jorja interrupted, chuckling.

We talked and talked about our classes and different majors we all had. Surprisingly enough, we were all aiming for a creative career. Of course, I wanted to become a writer. Books fascinated me, and I wanted to write books that inspire people everywhere, just like they did to me.

"Well, we have class bright and early tomorrow morning so...shall we?" Jorja smiled, signaling for us to go to bed. Shit, I didn't even realize that much time had gone by; it was already midnight.

Well, at least my roommates were alright.

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