2. First Day

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"Girl hurry up! first day and we're already late!" Jorja yelled at us as she grabbed her stuff.

I threw my lipgloss in my purse before grabbing my phone. Kali was still fixing up her eyeliner. I had to give her credit though, her makeup and hair was always so well put together. I threw on some simple clothes while throwing my curls up in a bun.


"Hey y'all!" Kali signaled at a group of people talking outside of the class we were supposed to be in. I stayed behind as they all greeted each other; I felt kinda lost.

Jorja pulled my arm, and began introducing me to their clique.

"Salem! This is Taco, Jasper, Wyatt, Crystal and Luka." They all waved at me, and I smiled.
"All of you guys are in here too?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, we're all in bio." Crystal rolled her eyes, grinning playfully.

"Aye, Jasper failed this shit twice already!" Taco laughed, pushing him harshly.

"Y'all are some morons. You guys are college juniors and y'all still in bio? grow up." Crystal said, pulling my arm to go inside class with her.
The guys laughed as we made our way into class.


"That fucking sucked." Jasper grunted, as we all began to head out.
Class did suck.
We really did manage to get the most boring professor of all time, ugh.

We all said our goodbye's as they all went to other classes together. Crystal stayed with me.

"Okay Salem, we both have an hour break. Cafeteria?" She asked, signaling toward the crowded cafe.

As we walked in, we grabbed some chips and water as we found an empty table, and sat down.

"Okay. So I'm gonna give you all the info." She took a bite out of her apple.

"You see that table over there?" She signaled to a table near the end. "That's film. That's where Nico, Mikey, Aramis, Lucas, and a bunch of other people hang out at. They're cool."

I nodded as she quickly proceeded.

"Okay, and that table over there. That's where Syd, Kali, Jorja, Steve, and I usually hang out at. They're mostly seniors except Syd and Kali...oh and Jorja."

"Okay," I nodded, looking around, trying to remember each face.

"And that table...That's all Rocky." She took another bite of her apple, "He's a junior. He hangs out with Ferg, Nast, Bari," She went on.

The group was pretty big, there was no way I would be able to remember everyone's name. Except for Rocky; he was the gorgeous one.

"And that table next to it, that's where we're all usually at when things get boring. That's Jasper, Taco, Wyatt, Lionel," She looked around as if she was looking for someone, "Hm. Tyler's not there. Weird. Anyway, you'll meet Tyler sooner or later. You won't miss him. He has a look to him and he's so fucking loud. You'll know who I'm talking bout."

"And they're all juniors too right?"

"Yeah. We all kinda been knowing each other since high school, so all these tables are pretty much family." She smiled.

Suddenly I heard a loud laugh come out of the table where Jasper and Taco were at.

"Yup, there's Tyler." She laughed, "Let's go talk to 'em."

Clique: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now