29. News

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Three days flew by, everything had pretty much gone back to normal again. Tyler and I had talked it over, and all we cared about was eachother. Admitting our mistakes was good for us.
I was in the library alone when someone sat next to me.


"Hey, what're you doing here?" I asked, confused.

"I thought I should check up on you. Since the other night, I don't know I been thinking about it." Rocky smiled, his eyes tracing every part of my face.

"Rocky, I'm fine. I talked it over with T."

"So y'all still together huh?"


"Damn. Never in my life did I think that nigga would actually end up with someone like you. But aight, I'll see you around." He got up, pushing the chair in forcefully.

I didn't think much of it, I knew he still liked me, but I didn't think he was that into me. Then, a text popped up on my phone, taking my attention away from my thoughts.





I waited for around ten minutes before I heard someone yell my name as footsteps got closer.

"SALEM!" Tyler ran to the desk, catching his breath.

"Calm down, breathe," I whispered, as he sat down in front of me. Everyone in the library was staring at us at this point. The librarian lady stared us down, eyeing us to quiet down.

"Holy fuck, you won't believe this fucking email I got," He opened up his phone immediately, frantically looking for something.

"Read this shit and tell me i'm not dreaming." He shoved the phone in my face, as I began to read the email.

Tyler, my name is Clancy, along with my wife Kelly, we're a managing team and think that you're incredibly talented. We've seen the original songs you post on your socials, and we would love to meet with you for a huge opportunity.

I looked up at T, my mouth open in surprise. Before I could say anything, Tyler cut me off.

"I got it this morning. I facetimed them and they're completely legit. They wanna meet me at the studio," He licked his lip, "But i'm gonna have to drop out, Salem."

My stomach sank.

"What do you mean drop out? You can't do both?"

"Nah. I'd be missing class four times a week. You know how bad my fucking grades are anyway. I might as well just do it. I'm so fucking excited." He smiled, eyeing the phone in his hands.

"That's so fucking cool, T. I—,"

"I can come visit you on the weekends, on breaks. We can facetime every night. I really want this shit to work out."

I nodded, a sympathetic look on his face. I was so happy for him, I just wouldn't be able to see him often.

"You good?" He asked.

"Yeah! I'm just...I'm gonna miss you being around."

He took hold of my hand, kissing it multiple times.

"I'll always be here though. I'm not going anywhere."

Clique: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now