8. Dazed

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After Fashion, I went to this little café that was next to the bigger cafeteria. It was a smaller, more intimate and quiet space.
Tyler still had another class after but thankfully, I only had one today.
I took a seat on one of the stools that faced the window, examining the notes I had taken in fashion.
Then, my phone buzzed.

hey can we meet up later? I forgot to measure your legs haha

I smiled at my phone, remembering how eager he was to get back to sketching instead of measuring my actual body in class like everyone else was.

yeah, my dorm or yours?

mine. after this stupid chem class. meet me there.


I arrived at my dorm after staying in the café for like thirty minutes.

"Hey! You're back late?" Jorja smiled, laying on the bed while on her laptop.

"Is that Salem?" Kali called from the bathroom.

"Yeah," I yelled back, setting down my stuff, "I went to the café for a bit after fashion."

I went over to the fridge to grab a water.

"Do y'all remember where Tyler's dorm was again? I need to go in a bit."

Jorja moved the laptop from her lap to the bed, and sat up intently.

"Why?" she raised a brow.


Kali jumped out the bathroom, "what type of project?"

"Oh my god, fashion. Why are y'all being so weird for?!" I laughed, taking another sip of my water.

"Oh, never mind. I thought you had a dick appointment." Jorja sighed, going back to her laptop.

I choked on my water, covering my mouth.

Kali laughed instantly, "you really need to de-stress a little Salem. Honestly, we need to get you laid. Maybe Tyler isn't such a bad idea."

"What the fuck are y'all talking about?"

"What's your body count?" Kali went on.

"Uh," I stayed quiet, biting my lip.

"Oh my god." Jorja went on.

They looked at each other as if already knowing the answer.

"So you haven't had sex yet. Interesting. It's okay, everyone's at their own pace." Kali sat down on the desk, opening her laptop.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that it just hasn't happened–,"

"Girl, it's fine. But maybe that's why you're so stressed. You need to climax. Like, let it out? you know? But anyway," Jorja stopped herself, taking a sip of her coffee.

"True. We have to find you someone. Friends with benefits type thing. Like Rocky and I." Kali said, typing into her laptop oblivious.

"What? You fucked Rocky?"

"Shit, Kali." Jorja stammered. They knew I liked him.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean anything. We're literally just friends with benefits. Until we start liking other people we'll stop. But if you want me to stop fucking him I will, Salem." She turned to me, serious. I didn't want to sound so stupid, it wasn't even my place.

"No, no. I don't care honestly. It's just...weird."

Jorja laughed, "I totally get it. That's how I felt too when Kali first told me."

We all laughed it off, completely oblivious.


"Bitch! wake up! how are you still asleep?!" I felt a pillow hit my face, completely startling me. I opened my eyes, Jorja standing over me.

"What? What time is it?" I said completely drowsy.

"It's 8pm! You said you'd nap for an hour and it's been 7!"

I got up and sat up on the bed, reaching for my phone. Holy fuck, my phone was blowing up.

"Kali, Syd, and me went to the library and just came back. Like how do you fucking sleep for that long." She said, a hint of playfulness in her voice.

hey i'm free now.
-Tyler 4:02p.m.

-Tyler 5:30p.m.

saleeeeeemmm what the fuck where are you?
-Tyler 6:20p.m.

okay so u just gon ignore me. cool
-Tyler 7:35p.m.

just text me when ur done doing whatever the fuck u doing.
-Tyler 7:55p.m.

Shit shit shit.
I quickly texted him back.


I grabbed my bag and all of my fashion stuff.
"Don't be home too late!" Jorja yelled from the bed as I closed the door, completely rushing out.


I looked around at the dorms, finally arriving. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" A familiar voice called from inside, presumably Tyler's.

I opened the door, not sure of what to expect.

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