24. B-Day

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For the first time in a long time, I felt so happy being around Tyler. We'd been dating for a month now, and everyone pretty much knew we were a thing.

"What're you writing down?" Jorja came from behind me.
I hid the card I was writing immediately, blocking it from her view. I laughed as she tried to pry it out of my hands. She somehow got a hold of it, and started reading it out loud.


"Dear Tyler, Happy Birthday to the best person in my life, you. You're the best thing—,"

I took the card from her hands, and she giggled.

"You're really writing him a cheesy ass letter for his birthday tonight? God, y'all are so obsessed with eachother it's weird."

"What? It's his first birthday where we're actually a couple."

"True. By the way, everyone's already decorating the rented out place for his surprise thing, if you wanna go check it out."

"Yeah, I'm literally so scared i'm gonna slip up and ruin it. He really thinks I forgot his birthday."

We laughed about it as I received a text from him.

done with class for today. wanna meet up?

come over tonight instead? i'm helping jorja with some errands rn.

I felt so bad ignoring him, and it pained me knowing that he probably thought I forgot his birthday. Fuck.
I ended up going with Jorja to go see the space for tonight, and it was perfect. Crystal and everyone else that knew T was putting up banners and setting up tables and chairs. I was honestly so excited for everything.

"He's so lucky he has you, Salem. Like for real. This is crazy." Syd came over, giving me a side hug as we admired around the room.
We added some finishing touches, as I made sure to text T and keep him busy so he had no idea what was going on.


Soon, it was finally time to get him to the surprise party.

The group chat was ready, too.

yo we're all down here already!!

text us when y'all coming so we get in positions lmao

for sure! give me like 25

I texted Tyler to come over as Jorja made her way out.

"I'm leaving, i'll see you there bitch! you look amazing." Jorja laughed, closing the door behind her.

I adjusted my hair, and fixed my tight knee length dress. I wore chunky strappy heels, and added on my gloss. I was so nervous.
Then, a knock on the door.
I breathed out as I opened the door, Tyler standing there as his eyes widened.

"Holy fuck? What's going on?" He laughed, looking me up and down. I laughed too, closing the door as I pulled his hand into mine.

"It's my friend's going away party. Thought you'd want to come." I smiled, as his faded away. I could tell he was hurt. I wanted to grab him and pull him in so bad.

"That's cool, you look way too good though," He stopped us in our tracks, as he pulled my waist in. His lips pressed against mine as my back hit the door.
I pulled away quickly.

"T, not now. I promised I'd be there by now. C'mon."

"Damn, it's that important?" I ignored him as I made my way down the hall, he sighed, following behind.


We started walking closer to the entrance, I had already texted the group chat and told them to hurry up and get in positions.

Before I could open the door, T stopped me, his hand gripping my arm.

"Salem, look i'm happy for your friend or whatever, but shit, you really forgot?"

"Forgot what?"

"My bi—,"

"Can we talk about this later? Let's just go inside. Okay?"

Ignoring him, I pulled the door them, and as soon as I did, everyone jumped out with confetti in the air and balloons everywhere,


Everyone yelled and laughed, the music began to blast as Tyler's shocked expression quickly turned into the biggest smile.

"What the fuck?!" He laughed, as he made his way in, everyone greeting him from every direction.

"You really thought I would forget?" I asked, as I took hold of him. He looked down at me, shaking his head.

"I fucking hate you." He said, his lips connecting with mine. He smelt so good too, I felt like I couldn't get enough.

"Happy birthday," I whispered into his ear, as I placed a kiss on his neck.

"I can't wait to open up my present tonight," He breathed into my neck, as we both let out a laugh.

Clique: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now