26. It's Wrong, Feels Right

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Just then, a text from Rocky.
Confused, I opened it up quickly.

thought y'all was still together?

I felt my heart sink to my stomach as I zoomed into the picture that came attached. Tyler making out with that same girl.

if u need to talk i'm with the boys rn. i'm free.

Fuck, Rocky and Tyler haven't talked since we got together. But I was fuming. Like I wanted revenge. I was so hurt, the alcohol made my heart pound. I needed something to alleviate the pain.


"Hey, you okay?" Rocky came from around the hallway.

I shut my eyes, looking at him as he sat down next to me.

"Where did you take that picture?"

"Me and Ferg were smoking on the top floor. We looked down and I saw it."

"Fuck. I knew I didn't trust her the minute she walked in."

"Mikayla was always that crazy. That's why we all thought she was bad for that nigga since the beginning."

I turned to him, shocked by how sympathetic he was being. His eyes met mine.

"I can't believe he would do that." I looked down at my hands.

"I been there."

"With Kali?"

"Nah, someone else."



I looked back at him, a confused expression formed on my face.

"When you and Tyler got together, that shit hurt. I was starting to really like you, Salem."

"But Kali?"

"She's cool, but she's not you."

I bit my lip, looking back down. My mind was racing and I couldn't think of what to say.

"Here." He placed a blunt he had in his pocket to his lips, lighting it. He breathed in, then turned to me.

"Relax a little," He chuckled, noticing the tenseness in my body. Rocky placed the blunt in between my lips, as I closed my eyes and breathed.
He let go, and I immediately began to cough. Rocky laughed, and I did too.
"Fuck, i've never done that before. It's strong."

"You'll feel it in a bit."

He placed it in his lips again, lighting it as the ashes fell. He began to get closer to me, his eyes tracing my mouth. I closed my eyes as he let the smoke go into my parted lips, without touching them. I inhaled the smoke, this time it was easier.

"You wanna get high?" He smiled, as I laughed lightly.

Again, his lips held the smoke as he got closer. He blew into my mouth, but before he pulled away, I pulled in, my lips finally touching his. I could feel him moving closer as we moved our lips steadily together. He pulled away a little, his tongue licking my top lip as he moved in again.
We began getting more forceful, my hand gripping the back of his neck as his hand took hold of my thigh. I felt his hand began to reach higher, but I pulled away.

"I can't." I said, defeated.

He breathed into my neck as he nodded, turning back.

"Rocky? Salem, what the fuck are you doing?" A familiar voice cut us off.

"He was just keeping me company," I said as Rocky and I both got up.

"Everyone's fucking looking for you! You don't pick your phone!" Jorja stammered, annoyed as she got closer.

"I texted you and you never fucking answered."

"Yeah, 'cus my phone died. Everyone else tried calling you. Tyler's about to cut the cake."

I shook my head, reaching out my hand.
"I don't wanna go. Just give me the keys. I'm tired."

"Salem," Jorja started.

"I'm gonna go. Call me if you need anything." Rocky said, before making his way down the hall.

"What the fuck was he even doing with you?" She whispered, annoyed.

"I don't even wanna talk about it–,"

"Look, if it's about Tyler's ex—,"

"Jorja. He fucking cheated." I felt tears begin to form as I took my phone out, showing her the picture Rocky had sent me.
She placed a hand over her mouth, inspecting it.

"This can't be real. He wouldn't do that?" She looked just as shocked as I was.
Jorja cursed under her breath, as she took me into her arms. I tried to keep it in but I felt so defeated.

"Fuck, you should've seen him. He literally didn't even defend me when she started talking shit," I wiped my tears, Jorja opening the door as we both went inside.

"I would've never thought he'd do anything like that, ever."

I sat on the bed, as I received a call on my phone.

"He's calling me." I said, Tyler's name popping up on the screen.

"Are you gonna answer?"

"I don't even want to see him."

I put my phone down, laying back on the bed.

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