28. In Time

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It's been a whole week without talking to Tyler. No one knew about the kiss between me and Rocky.
In between classes I would see him just hanging around, and I wanted to say something so bad. Somehow I couldn't bring myself to it. I felt guilty for not telling him about Rocky; but fuck, it was so hard. I knew he'd be hurt as fuck.
I went to his dorm, wondering if this was even worth it.
I sighed, knocking on the door.

"Salem," He smiled slyly.

"How are you?" I asked, coming in.

"It's whatever. You?"

"Same. Listen, I had something I needed to get off my chest. If you don't want anything to do with me, I understand—,"

"What the fuck are you talking about? You're scaring me," T laughed,

"Tyler," I sighed, "That night you kissed Mikayla, I went back to my place and Rocky was there. We talked about it and I was just so mad and confused and,"

"Please don't fucking say it."

"We kissed."

"Fuck, I knew it." He sat on the seat, his hands on his face.

"It was all in the moment, T. But you know a little something about that, huh?"

"What're you saying?"

"Look, what if we just look past it. We both made stupid mistakes—,"

"So now that you confess we should move past it all of a sudden? Easy for you to fucking say huh?"

Annoyed, I sat down. He had a point.

"Fine. If it's over, it's over." I said, getting up and grabbing my stuff. Before I could reach the door, he grabbed my hand, turning me to him so that we were face to face. His lips touched mine as I felt myself fall into him. Being with him felt so fucking right.

"So it's not over?" I laughed, kissing him again.

"Oh, no, i'm definitely still mad at you for not telling me," He pushed me harshly on the bed, ripping off my button up shirt.

"You gotta make up for it somehow," He growled into my neck, as I moaned into him.

"You don't know how bad i've been thinking about you," I retaliated, pulling his shirt off.

"Oh for real? You missed this?" He took my hand in his, as he placed it roughly on his throbbing self.

I bit my lip as he began to rub on me, my underwear beginning to wet.

"Fuck," He moaned, as we kissed again.


We laid on the bed, completely out of breath. I had completely missed his touch, his everything. I fell in love again.

"Fuck, I missed you so much." I breathed, as he pulled me in closer.

"Can we do this again soon?" He laughed, kissing my forehead.

"What do we do about everything else?"

"I'm gonna find that nigga Rocky, kill him, then we can talk it over,"
I laughed, noticing his mood change.

Clique: Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now