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I wake up and I walk over to my bathroom and shower grabbing all my stuff I need that case I don't have to get it later.

Anyways today is Saturday and I decided to spend the day with my bestfriends Taylor, Gracie, and Madison, we all have been friends since we were 4 and we always pair up in 4's because it's just us. Like we're known as the fantastic four. Haha lol.

So I texted the girls to let them know we're having a girls day at the spa in the mall. I quickly get dressed and throw on a white tank crop top and some black leggings with grey knee high boots. I brush my hair and leave it down straight.

I walk downstairs and see my mom making me and my 2 little brothers breakfast. I sit down and get handed a plate of pancakes and bacon with eggs.

My brother Jake (who is 11) comes down with his tablet in his hands and my mom takes it out of his hands and points to the chair and I giggle. Soon my dad comes down and kisses my moms forehead and walks out grabbing an apple while saying goodbye. Then my other brother Bryan (who is 16 just 1 year younger) comes down and sits at the table with his phone as soon as he sat my mom got it and put them on another table.

"This isn't fair? How come you don't take hopes?" Jake asks rolling his eyes and my mother laughs.

"Because she's never on hers at the table." My mom says handing them plates of their food.

"That's because she has no friends." Bryan says with a laugh before he eats his sausage.

"I have friends. In fact I'm going to go meet with them at the mall if that's okay mom?" I say kind of asking for permission and she nods.

"Sure you got a car and money, just be safe please that's all I ask and make wise decisions." My mom says happily and I nod with a smile.

"Ooh can I come?" Bryan asks and I roll my eyes.

"Ew. No." I say moving the hair out of my face and he rolls his eyes sighing.

"Why not?" He asks and I sigh.

"Because you just insulted me saying I have none and no your not coming because I don't need you ruining my day or flirting with Madison. She doesn't like you okay!?" I say annoyed with him and he sighs rolling his eyes and I sigh even more.

"Whatever. May I be excused? I'm full." Bryan says putting his fork down after finishing and my mom slowly nods and Bryan goes upstairs in his room making me feel slightly bad. Not really just a little.

"Seriously? All I want is one nice family breakfast without you two arguing." My mom says and I sigh.

"I'm sorry. May I be excused to go apologize?" I ask with a small frown and she nods I put my plate up and run upstairs and go to Bryan's locked room.

I knock on it and he ignores me.

"Bry. Please open up, I'm sorry for earlier." I say and he opens the door.

"It's fine but I need sometime alone." Bryan says standing there on his phone and I nod.

"Children!" My mom shouts and we both walk downstairs.

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