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I wake up beside Cameron and I crawl on top and wrap my arms around him and I hear him laugh and he wraps his arms around me. I smile looking at him and he smiles back kissing my nose and I giggle.

"Last night was fun." I say smirking at him acting all cute and he laughs smirking back at me.

"Oh really? Want to go for round 2?" Cameron asks and I giggle kissing his lips and I pull away.

"Maybe." I say and he laughs and holds my face pulling me in for a kiss and I kiss him back playing with his hair. Soon the door knocks and I gasp and quickly look at him.

"I missed the party last night! Shit! Everyone's probably looking for me!? What do I do!?" I whisper while asking all panicky and he laughs.

"Go under my bed." Cameron commands and I nod and quickly roll of the bed making a thud and I get under the bed and put a blanket around me.

"Uh hey cam! Are you okay!?" I hear my brother Jake say. Omfg of course it's one of them.

"Can I come in?" Jake asks curiously knocking on the door annoyingly.

"Yea give me one second!" Cameron says.

"What are you doing!?" I whisper loudly.

"Oh I don't know... putting on some pants considering I'm naked!" Cameron whispers and I giggle slightly.

"Who are you talking to?" Jake asks and I cover my mouth trying not to laugh.

"Uh.... um.... myself. Yea I just get tired and forget I'm alone." Cameron quickly says and I giggle a little more.

"Shhh." Cameron whispers and flops on his bed sitting up and I sigh slightly.

"You can come in now." Cameron says making himself comfortable I take it.

"Okay. Um.... have you seen Hope anywhere? Like yesterday or anything? She kind of missed her own second birthday party and moms a little upset." Jake says entering and I sigh.

"Was that you?" Jake asks and I quickly cover up my mouth and Cameron clears his throat quickly.

"Um yea! That was me I'm just sooooo tired. But no I haven't seen Hope anywhere sorry. She's probably at a friends house or something or maybe in her room." Cameron says quickly changing the subject.

"Uhhh okay. I'll go check her room again." Jake says slowly and i see him leave. I quickly gasp and crawl out from under Cameron's bed.

"Are you kidding me!? My room!!!" I shout and quickly cover my mouth and Cameron laughs.

"You're lucky I didn't snitch babe." Cameron says with a smirk and I smile.

"Aww thank you. But I need to beat him there. Luckily theres a short cut that Jake doesn't even know about. And actually it connects our rooms." I say and he looks at me surprised.

"Really!? There are secret shortcuts here!? That's so lit! Where!?" Cameron says and I laugh telling him to follow.

I show him his closet.

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