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@madisonlight / she proposed 😍 , we're officially married 💍

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@madisonlight / she proposed 😍 , we're officially married 💍

tagged / @taylorbrookes

@hopesinclair / awww i better be a bridesmaid ! 😍😍😍😍

@madisonlight / of course 😘 @hopesinclair

@graciewoods / ooh ! me too ! 😍😍😍😍😍

@madisonlight / duh 😘 @graciewoods

@taylorbrookes / ily wife 😍😍😍💍💍

@madisonlight / ily more 💍😉 @taylorbrookes

@jackmanson / um gay ? 🤔

@loganfray / 😂😂😂 ^

@cameronhills / 😂😂 ^^

@madisonlight / we like boys lol 🤣 but we're married as bestfriends forever dumb dumbs 😉😂 @jackmanson @loganfray @cameronhills

@jackmanson / alright alright but y'all look cute in this 😍😍

@kylerace / i agree 😍😍😍 ^

@loganfray / same 😍😍😍😍 ^

@taylorbrookes / 🤗💓 @jackmanson @kylerace @loganfray

@cameronhills / 😍

@bryansinclair / beautiful girls 😍😍

@madisonlight / thanks boys 😀 @cameronhills @bryansinclair

@taylorbrookes / 😊😊 @bryansinclair @cameronhills

@joshtyler / 😍😍😍😍😍

@loganfray / bro do you like have a crush on all these girls ? 😂🤔 @joshtyler

@jackmanson / yea . like every time they get a boyfriend you move on ? 🤔🤣 @joshtyler

@joshtyler / um no 😂 @jackmanson @loganfray

@jackmanson / good . because Madison is mine 😍😉

@madisonlight / I'm yours ? wym ? 🤣 @jackmanson

@jackmanson / i like you 😉

@hopesinclair / AWWWWW 😍😍😍😍 I SHIP #JADISON 😱😭😍😩😍

@jackmanson / mood ^ 😂😘 @hopesinclair

@madisonlight / uhhh that's awkward ... @jackmanson

@jackmanson / uh why ? 🤔

@madisonlight / i kinda like someone else .... 😬 @jackmanson

@hopesinclair / WHO !? 😱😱

@taylorbrookes / OMG 😱😱

@graciewoods / 😱😱😱 ^^^

@jackmanson / oh that's fine , I'll move on so you don't have to feel like your waiting for me 👌🏼

@madisonlight / thank you jack , you're so sweet 😁 @jackmanson

@jackmanson / haha np ^

@cameronhills / damn. my boy got rejected oof ... *double oof* 🤣🤣 @jackmanson

@jackmanson / stfu 🤦🏼‍♂️ @cameronhills

@cameronhills / ahaha 😂😂 @jackmanson

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