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I climb out of my bunk that I was sharing with madison and I get down to the floor and see hope in the other bunk with taylor. Wow looks like I'm the first person to actually wake up.

I walk over to the boys room and knock. I quickly check the time to make sure it wasn't like 6 or anything. It was 9 something in the morning. I knock again and I hear someone getting up to open the door.

"Seriously y'all? Why do I always have to do it?" I hear someone ask to whoever's in the group and I giggle as they open the door.

"Oh... um... goodmorning uh Gracie! Are the girls up? Should I wake the boys?" Jack answers the door asking questions and I laugh holding a hand out.

"You're fine. I was actually hoping you'd be up. I just woke up really early and I kinda wanted someone to come with me to get breakfast considering the girls won't get up til lunch." I say slowly explaining and jack nods happily.

"Yea! Breakfast sounds great actually! Thank you! I'll meet you in 5?" Jack asks and I nod with a smile and he smiles back.

I nod and walk to my room and I quickly throw on a short sleeved crop top that was grey and I put on high waisted jean shorts. I brushed my hair and put my hair up into a high ponytail and I slip on some white vans and I walk out and see jack coming out of his room right on time.

"Oh perfect! I was gonna get you lol." Jack says and I giggle. He holds a hand and I smile and I take his hand as he leads me to the elevator and downstairs to the breakfast buffet.

We get a table for two and we both go up to get our plates. I sit back down at our table and jack does the same and we start eating.

"So... how are you?" Jack asks me being polite.

"You saw me yesterday but I'm doing great! And you?" I ask happily and he smiles looking up.

"I'm doing just fine thanks." Jack says and I smile while nodding.

"Gracie.. you know how long I've been waiting for some one on one time dealing with us?" Jack asks me curiously looking up and I look up at him confused.

"What about the ski trip?" I ask.

"Well yea. But I mean like actually hang out together like this! Like this is doing good so far and I enjoy it." Jack says and I nod with a smile.

"This is fun. And we should hang out again in Disney just the two of us, if our friends don't plan anything." I say looking up as I eat a strawberry and he nods.

"Haha yea! Seems like they're always throwing things in short notice, but for some reason I'm actually enjoying it." Jack says and I laugh.

"Me too! It's kind of weird though, maybe it's something I just have to get used to?" I say and he smiles with a laugh.

"Mhm. Specially if you want to roll with this crowd." Jack says winking at me and I giggle with a small blush.

"You're funny jack. Very funny." I say rolling my eyes with a laugh and he laughs with me.

"I try." Jack says flipping his imaginary hair and I giggle more.

I look off and see a group of teens crowded by a window. I slowly look back over and see them staring right at me and they quickly hide. I sigh while shaking my head and jack notices.

"What's wrong?" Jack asks curiously.

"The fact that all of our friends are watching our every move. I just wish we really had more alone time." I say eating more food and he nods.

"Look I have an idea but you have to trust me?" Jack says forming a smirk on his face and I slowly nod giving him a mischievous look and he nods and takes my hand again.

He escorts me out and we walk to an extra room and lock the door.

I sit on the bed and jack sits beside me.

"After whatever we're doing today with our friends, we should go for a dinner!" Jack says happily forming a smile on his face and I smile back.

"That'd be nice!" I say happily back and he nods.

I look jack in his eyes and he looks in mine.

"Gracie, you're beautiful. You know that?" Jack asks me slowly leaning in cautiously and I smile while blushing.

"I've been told. But never believe it." I say.

"Well believe it." Jack says and he leans in more and cups my face moving the extra hairs out the way. I smile and lean in some letting our lips touch sending electricity everywhere through me. I slowly kiss his lips and we both slowly pull away.

"Wow. Not only are you beautiful but you're a good kisser." Jack says slowly inching away from my face and I blush.

"Thanks! You are too!" I say and he smiles.

"I think that was actually my first kiss with a girl I've liked." Jack says smirking at me.

"Oh really? I like this guy who's right in front of me and I also just lost my virgin kiss to you Jack Manson." I say smirking back at him and he bites his lip smiling.

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