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I slowly crawl out of bed and head to Cameron's room they have two more days left until their house is ready. I'm going to miss them though a lot. I love having my own boyfriend be my personal roommate.

And Ashley has been like the little sister I've always wanted! I'm gonna miss their whole family.

I walk over to his room and see him up on his phone. I go and sit down on his bed and take a deep sigh.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asks me putting his phone down pulling me over to snuggle with him.

"You're leaving me in two days." I say frowning and Cameron laughs.

"Oh goodness babe. I take it that no one told you anything?" Cameron says/asks me and I shake my head no confused.

"We're not leaving until another month or so because the workers haven't finished and they said it's still getting repaired and such. But our house is literally not even a block away from yours? And we will be attending the same college and it's gonna be great!" Cameron says caressing my cheek and I smile looking at him then his lips and back at him.

"Awwww! Yay!" I say happily and he smiles hugging onto me and I hug him back as we lay there facing each other.

"You're the best girlfriend I could ever ask for." Cameron says kissing my lips after every word and I smile while blushing.

"You're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. You're perfect." I say kissing his lips back and he blushes and he holds my waist pulling me a bit closer to him and I felt so safe in his arms every time.

I snuggle into him and was about to close my eyes until somebody knocks on the door.

Cameron sighs and gets up to open it since it was locked.

"What do y'all want?" Cameron asks as all of our friends walk in and I sigh with a small laugh.

"To see what y'all are doing today? Are y'all up for that quadruple date?" Jack asks crossing his arms and I sit up and crawl off of Cameron and I run to the girls forming a huddle and they boys look at us confused.

"Wait this is really happening!?" I whisper excitedly to them and they nod with smiles.

"Yea I think they want to go to a restaurant." Madison whispers and I giggle while clap a bit.

"So would we all have separate tables combined or apart?" Gracie whispers.

"Probably together since it's a quadruple date." Taylor says whispering and I giggle.

"Well maybe Gracie has a point... we could be going on a quadruple date together but separated tables just all in one row right?" Madison whispers and I giggle.

"I'm pretty sure that's gonna happen, because if it's all one table then it's not necessarily a date it's just us hanging out you know?" I whisper and they all nod their heads.

"Ooh! And we sh-" taylor started to whisper but we got cut off by the boys.

"Are y'all done?" Kyler stands there sighing and I laugh while nodding pulling away from our huddle.

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