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I roll out of bed and sigh trying to get myself out of the covers. Tonight was hopes second surprise birthday party we already told her friends about it.

I'm just excited to see her again. I quickly run to her room hoping she's there and I walk in a little closer and see she's not in bed.

"AHHHH!" She screams and jumps on my back making me fall and she laughs rolling beside me.

"Oh my god! You scared the fuck out of me hope! Don't do that!" I say catching my breath and she laughs.

"Aww sorry! I just missed you so much." Hope says batting her eyes at me and I laugh and flip my hair aside.

"Well we have things to talk about young lady so don't get to happy." I say and she sighs giving me a frown while looking over at me and I sigh putting a hand through my hair.

"Sorry but we do." I say and she nods walking over to me acting all cute and everything.

"But I thought you said when I get back we can pick up wherever we left off?" Hope says/asks and I slowly nod while sighing.

"Sorry you're right. But we need to talk first." I say and she sighs putting her hands on my chest was and I feel her hands go to my shirt about to take it off.

"Can't it wait?" Hope asks giving me a puppy dog look.

"Wow. You're a whole new person now. I don't even know who you are." I say sighing and she steps back and looks at me a little mad.

"Nooooo! Not like that. I'm sorry. That was rude or came off rude." I say and she walks back to her bed and sits down.

"Aww come back I liked your hands on me." I say putting a frown on my face and she laughs rolling her eyes.

"You said you wanted to talk. So let's talk. I'm ready. You clearly seem ready. Let's get this over with and deal with us." Hope says being stern and I nod with a smile. She pats her bed and I go over and sit down.

"Okay first thing.... who is Alex and what happened during your fiji trip?" I ask curiously wanting to know.

"Okay well. Alex is this kid I met there in Fiji and he was so hot and super nice and funny and he really was a genuine person and I liked him a lot. Things started moving fast like we started to makeout almost every couple minutes, we would go in hot tubs and he fingered me and shit, and the night before last night we fucked and it was good and I'm starting to like him but we live in two different places so it will never work." She says and I nod slowly understanding.

"Did you think about me at all on the vacation there?" I ask curiously and she slowly nods.

"Every single thing I did with him all I could think of was you to be honest." Hope says and my eyes lit up and I smirk at her.

"You thought of me sexually? Wow." I say smirking at her and she rolls her eyes smiling.

"Yea I guess. But I don't care, because I heard you fucked a girl while I was gone too." Hope says and my eyes widen.

"Who did I fuck!?" I ask curiously.

"Brittney." Hope says trying not to tear up and I look at her confused.

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