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"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"I saw the list of things you like about me." Cameron says and I gasp.

"OMG! Cameron! How'd you know? How'd you find out!?" I start asking while panicking and he sighs.

"Your brother told me that there was a box full of things you liked and we can use that for your birthday.... so I went to get it and your mom looked through it and found the list and said to me that I had a secret admirer and handed the list to me and I read it." Cameron says slowly explaining and I sigh shaking my head.

"No! That wasn't supposed to get out... omg! This is so embarrassing!" I say panicking and He laughs holding my arms so i can stop moving.

"Hey it's okay. I read your list and made my own based on you, would you like to read it?" Cameron asks looking me in the eyes pulling out his list and I nod taking it from him and He laughs as I open it.

"We should read this somewhere privately though.... I kind of get it, it's personal." Cameron says and I nod and we walk upstairs to camerons room.

"Can I read it out loud?" I ask and he nods with a small smile and I smile back.

"Okay... things I like about hope.... she has the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen, her tan skin just reminds me the sweetest thing caramel, her silky long brown hair, her urge to always help people even though they don't need it, she's always supportive and the best bestfriend anyone could ask for, her pearly white teeth also, her cute adorable little nose, her sweet tasting plumped soft lips, the way her hands roam through my hair, how she tries to make everyone happy, her soft touch to everything makes people go wild, and lastly how she is the perfect girl I've ever met in my whole life. I didn't think anyone could be the one for me but I feel that hope deserves that title." I finish saying and cameron smiles to himself as i look up at him in complete aw.

"Awww! This is so sweet of you to make one for me. You belong with me cameron and I belong with you." I say holding his cheek and he nods happily.

"We both agree on that!" Cameron says holding my waist pulling me a bit closer and I giggle to myself looking down then back up into his eyes with a smile.

"Can we continue wherever we left off last time hope?" Cameron asks smirking at me looking me in the eyes and I nod looking him in his eyes back while biting my lip.

He leans in holding my face and i hold his. We lean in together and our lips connect sending me a bunch of fireworks shooting everywhere. It feels like a romantic movie waiting to happen. I feel him scoot even closer and I move on his lap wrapping my legs around his torso. I put my lips onto his even more and he holds the back of my head keeping us steady. I started to deepen the kiss by making it rough but soft. He does the same and puts his hands on my waist slowly slipping in his tongue. I kissed his tongue and slipped in mine. Our tongues started finding their ways in our mouthes and started fighting for dominance. He won. I roamed my hands through his hair the way he liked it and his hands made their way to my ass. He fell back on his bed making me fall with him as I was on top. I leaned over him keeping our lips connected and his hands squeezed my ass making me want every second of him. I moaned slightly inside his mouth and his lips went to my neck. His lips left kisses all over my neck and I slightly moaned. He then started sucking each spot of my neck making it a hickey he then found my sweet spot and I moaned loudly quickly biting my lip so I wasn't so loud. He continued sucking until he felt satisfied but I definitely was. He pulled away and I attached his mouth with my lips kissing him more and he moaned in my mouth making me happy and I kissed him more until the door opened. I quickly pulled away from Cameron embarrassed at the fact I look like a hoe or something.

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