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I turn to my side waking up and I see Cameron sitting on my bed on his phone but fully awake and I sigh sitting up.

He looks over and puts his phone down.

"Goodmorning." Cameron says calmly sitting there with his T-shirt and basketball shorts on.

"Goodmorning?" I say in a questionable tone and he chuckles a bit and sits facing me more.

"Can we talk?" Cameron asks and I slowly nod scared to hear what he says.

"Sure." I say in a manageable tone and he nods.

"I have a suggestion, I mean you might not like it, but it's because of the bet." Cameron starts to say but he drifts off and I look him in the eyes and he slowly nods continuing on.

"And um... he wants it sooner. Like by this month, and it's what? August?" Cameron says/asks and I nod.

"Okay?" I ask him questioning what he wants from me and he nods getting back to the point.

"The bet. I can't lose this bet, I'm undefeated hope. Can you please help me?" Cameron says/asks again and I sigh.

"What would I do Cameron?" I ask sighing.

"Be my girlfriend." Cameron says shyly and I giggle a bit and cover it up with a serious face.

"On some conditions Cameron." I say flipping my hair out of my face and he gasps.

"Wait you'll be my girlfriend for the bet?" Cameron asks excitedly sitting up more and I laugh.

"On one condition." I say and he slowly nods.

"Which is?" He asks.

"If you fall for me you owe me ice cream for a whole month." I say smirking at him as if I was playing some game and he nods okay with the condition.

"But if you fall for me, you owe me fast food a whole month." Cameron says smirking at me back and I giggle looking at his facial expression and he laughs with me confused.

"What?" He asks leaning in while laughing and I laugh a little more.

"Your face. It's ugly." I say laughing more and he laughs with me.

"You mean this one?" He asks and makes and uglier face and I started laughing more as he laughed with me.

"You're so lame." I say laughing still and he chuckles.

"Yea sooooo lame." He says flipping his imaginary hair with a girly face and I laugh falling onto him and he laughs catching me.

"Lol! I better get going because I gotta get ready for today. Bye babe!" Cameron says winking at me on the way out and I roll my eyes while laughing a bit and he smiles.

"Wait! So will we take pics today saying it's official?" I ask curiously and he turns back facing me.

"Yea! Let's do that! And don't tell your friends because they will say something to my friends." Cameron says pointing at me and I slowly nod.

He then walks off and I turn to my side and get on my phone and text my friends and see what they wanted to do today.

We all decided to go to the beach, and we were going to invite the boys that way it's easier when we can just take pics on the beach and make it cuter!

We also said we would just tell them at the beach. We're meeting there in about an hour because we all have nothing better to do honestly.

I go to my closet and pull out a pink bikini top and bottom. I then brush my hair and keep it down then I put on black flip flops and walk out my room but Cameron stops me.

"Hey! Should I wear pink bottoms to match you?" Cameron asks and I look over seeing him shirtless with his basketball shorts still on. I tried not to stare to long so I quickly coughed and looked back into his eyes.

"Um yea, sure!" I say hesitating a bit and he just laughs looking at me stupidly and I laugh walking downstairs.

"We should ride there together!" He shouts as I head downstairs and I shout back a simple 'okay' lol.

A couple minutes later me and Cameron drive to the beach together and see everyone waiting for us. Cameron quickly opens my door for me and lets me out and I give him a smile saying thanks and he nods as we walk over finding them.

"Hey guys!" Madison screams and I look over seeing her waving at us to come and I laugh and start jogging over to her and Cameron follows.

"Oh! Y'all arrived here together?" Kyler asks looking at us confused with a small smirk slightly forming and I nod.

"Yep! We're official!" Cameron says taking my hand in his and I look over at him quickly and he looks back at me smiling.

"Sorry I couldn't hold it in any longer! You're just to cute, I have to show the world." Cameron says happily looking me in the eyes and I couldn't help but blush a bit and he laughs.

"So let's get this party started!" Cameron says excitedly and he lets go of my hand and runs off with his friends as my friends quickly step in front of me.

"Y'all are DATING!?" Madison screams excitedly clapping while jumping up and down and I giggle.

"YES THEY ARE!!!! She's totally blushing!" Taylor then screams and I immediately started blushing more and they smile while clapping.

"I'm so PROUD of you baby!!!" Gracie says excitedly and I smile while giggling.

"Alright alright I get it! Y'all are happy! Now let's go!" I say laughing while pushing them off and they laugh and we all run to the ocean and jump in with the boys.

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