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I was in the shower washing off until I hear a knock.

"Uh hold on! I'm in the shower!" I shout and I hear the door open anyways and I sigh as they just completely ignore me.

I quickly finish and get out and dry off then put my baby pink robe around me and I tie up my hair with the towel.

"What do you want?" I ask walking out of the bathroom seeing all my friends and I smile excitedly as they laugh at my reaction.

"OH! Goodmorning guys!" I say happily and run over hugging them even though I'm wet.

"Goodmorning!" They all say happily and I smile.

"Wow! You guys never come and wake me up I'm normally the one that has to pick y'all up! So what are y'all doing here?" I say/ask excitedly trying to find clothes.

"Oh! Well we wanted to have a girls vacation with you!" Taylor says happily and I smile then turn around.

"Like when? This week?" I ask curiously and they nod.

"Oh when would we leave?" I ask excitedly and they all smile.

"Today in an hour!" Gracie says happily and my eyes widen as my mouth drops.

"I can't do that! I have to tell my family and such and everyone! And I have online homework to do since we all dropped out and now are homeschooled." I say freaking out pacing back and forth and they laugh.

"Calm down hope. Your mom has everything arranged." Madison says stepping in and I look at them confused.

"Wait? What?" I ask curiously and my mom comes up into my room with a basket or clothes.

"I have everything planned honey! I completed most of your school assignments online there might be like 2 left to do for you. I also arranged the plane tickets and sent you girls to Fiji for a whole week yes 7 days. And here honey." My mom says handing me a bin full of folded clothing.

"I packed all of your favorite outfits and your friends helped me decide and so you should also thank them. Plus this is for your birthday week they thought of the idea like months ago and I just made everything happen!" My mom says standing there with a big smile as her hands were on her hips and I smile really big trying not to tear up and I sprint to my mom and hug her tightly and she gasps and then hugs me back happily.

"I love you honey! I hope you have a great birthday week in Fiji and I'm sorry your family can't be with you I figured you want it to be with your bestfriends anyways and when you get back there will be huge surprise for you for your birthday from your amazing family!" My mom says and I hug her again excitedly.

"Awww mom! You have no idea how much this means to me! Mom I love you so much the award for the best amazing and loving and caring and awesomest mom award definitely goes to you! Thank you again! I love you! And I better start packing." I say hugging her one last time and she smiles hugging me back.

"Thank you! And yes start packing y'all need to leave in 30 minutes if you want to make your flight.

"30 minutes! I haven't even got dressed yet omg!" I shout excitedly and she laughs with my friends sitting on my bed.

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