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I turn off my alarm clock and roll out of bed sighing. I look over and see Cameron standing at my doorway.

"Goodmorning fake girlfriend!" Cameron says walking into my room and I sigh covering my face with a pillow.

"Aww... no Goodmorning back?" Cameron says laying down beside me and I groan tiredly.

"I'm sorry I'm just tired." I say facing him and he slowly nods.

"Then go back to sleep." Cameron says laughing a bit and I sigh tiredly.

"I can't I'm up now." I say slightly giggling and he nods while understanding.

"Then let's cuddle until you fall asleep?" Cameron says slowly and I look at him more confused.

"Cuddle?" I ask curiously and confused and he slowly nods unsure about my or his answer.

"Uh yea... but as friends... duh..." Cameron says laughing a bit to make it less awkward and I laugh with him.

"Um okay?" I say confused and he nods. I turn around on my side and Cameron comes up close behind me and slowly wraps his arms around me and nuzzles his head close to mine and I smile at how comfy and cozy he was then I realized I couldn't fall for him for real because of the bet we made kinda.

Either way we stayed in that cuddle position for like 2-3 hours because we were so tired and eventually we slowly wake up and start getting ready for the day.

"What are you doing today?" Cameron asks curiously facing me and I look over at him while facing him.

"Why?" I ask and he laughs.

"Because I'm bored. Also later we have to discuss rules." Cameron says and the last part he forms a smirk on his face.

"Rules about what?" I ask tiredly annoyed.

"Someone's a lil grumpy. But it's rules for us fake dating, like what to do and not to do?" Cameron explains and I slowly nod.

"Oh okay. Well to answer your question, I'm not doing anything just yet unless the girls text me and plan something last minute like we always do." I say turning over to reach for my phone and check.

"Nope! Not doing anything just yet, what are you doing?" I ask curiously and he sighs.

"Nothing, because Kyler's at a game, Logan's with his family, and Jack is trying to find a new girl to like." Cameron says laughing at the last part and I giggle.

"Well do you want to do something with me today?" I ask him and he looks over at me and starts forming a smile.

"What?" I ask confused and his smile becomes bigger.

"Is Hope Sinclair falling for me?" Cameron asks with a smirk on his face as he bites his lips and I roll my eyes shaking my head no and he laughs.

"You wanted to cuddle!? And I'm just trying to be nice, and you should be thankful because no one ever gets a nice hope in the mornings like ever." I say moving the hair out of my face and he laughs nodding his head.

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