Chapter 2

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This is a little after Izuku found out he has no quirk.

Ryou was sitting under a tree enjoying a cookie and the breeze of the afternoon. Next to him were three other kids that began to follow him around since he showed his quirk. They were the only ones brave enough to stick around him because many kids thought he was scary. Ryou did not like having them around but he gave up after a while. As long as they did not treat him as a leader, he was fine with it. He wasn't like Bakago, that teated his followers like underlings and slaves. Although young, Ryou had a strong sense of equality.

"Hey Ryou, isnt that your brother?" One of the kids said pointing towards a direction, worry clear in his voice.

Turning to see where he was pointing, Ryou saw small Izuku on the ground, with Bakago in front of him with his Elves, smirking and creating small explosions in his hands.

Standing up and cleaning the cookie crumbs from his black shirt, Ryou walked towards the scene, his friends following closely. The two elves that follow Bakago wipe the grin off their faces, their eyes widening in fear.

"Um.. Bakago?" Elf #1 said.

"WHAT?" Turning towards his elves, he followed their eye sight, only to land on Ryou. There he was. His semi-long, silky black hair swaying in the breeze. Skin glowing softly in the afternoon sun. His piercing, electric blue eyes. His famous monotone expression, eyebrows furrowed in anger. The image of a true hero. Even if he was a four year old. It didn't help that his freinds, although behind him, (two on his left and one on his right) were looking at them with the same anger.

"Heh. Well we gotta run.." both elves said running away in te process.Bakago did not know what to do. Ryou's mere presence was enought to poke his fear. He just stared at him with blank eyes.

Walking closer, Ryou sent a glare at Bakago, that if glares can kill, Bakago would have been in his grave with Ryou dancing over it long ago. Reaching out his hand, he held it out for Izuku, who took it gratefully. Ryou rarely talked, but when he did, it was usually to spit out warnings or curse someone to death. Yup, Ryou had a very dirty mouth for a four year old.

"Next time I see you touch Izuku, your gonna wish you jumped off a bridge." Ryou said, his voice spilling with venom. Poor Bakago almost pissed himself. Almost. But he didnt show it. Instead he glared back and hoped the gods Ryou spared him.

"Guys, go home. I'll see you tommorow." Ryou turned towards the guys.

"Okay Ryou see you tommorow. Let us know if you need help taking care of certain people." All three turned and walked away, leaving Ryou to continue glaring at Bakago.

"Lets go Izuku."

The broccoli haired boy nodded rapidly as Ryou tugged his hand, sending one more glare towards Kachan. Walking away, Izuku stopped to look at Ryou. He noticed this and turned around.

"Whats wrong broccoli?"

At these words Izuku pouted.
"Don't call me broccoli. Also, I'm sorry," Izuku looked down, playing with his hands," I know I'm a burden without a quirk. I would understand if you started to ha-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. You are a brother to me, so there is no way you are a burden, quirk or no quirk. Don't apologize either. People are just plain dumb if they can't see you'll be a great person when you grow up, even without powers."

Izuku looked up at him with tears brimming his eyes. The sun made Ryou glow and the wind made a soft howl, surrounding them. Streching his hand towards Izuku once again, a genuine, determined smile graced his lips. Then he said the words Izuku needed to hear from someone, but not even his mother said them to him.

"Izuku," the look in Ryou's eyes never faltering," you can, and you will become a great hero."

Izuku's tears were now flowing down his face. Ryou reached out and wiped them.

"Okay now stop crying. How 'bout we go watch All Might's video again with some mochi?"


Ryou grabbed his hand and started walking home. Izuku looked up at the boy's back, a single thought crossing his mind: My Hero.

Hello beautiful people! Sorry for the short chapter, Ill make it longer on the next one! Just a small flashback to establish the relationships between the characters. Well, thanks for reading, see you and good night!

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