Chapter 6

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Text like this is Ryou thoughts.
One thing Ryou hated the most in his life is being tested. He hates it, but he tolerates it. And that is exactly what the teacher, Aizawa Shouta, was going to make him do.

"Bakago, you got the second highest score in the entrance exam. What was the furthest you could throw a ball in middle school?"

He pondered for a bit.

"67 meters I think."

"Now try throwing it with your quirk.  As long as you stay within the circle, you can do anything you want."

Aizawa tossed a ball to Bakago, who easily caught it. Stretching his arms a bit, Bakago threw the ball and used an explosion to propel it further away, screaming "DIE!!" In the process. A little machine in Aizawas hand beeped, and he showed it to the class. It showed 705.2. At this point, Ryou understood they were going to be tested, and who ever came in last was to be expelled.

This will be intresting.

50 meter-dash

A guy with blue hair and glasses made an impressive time of 3.04 seconds. Ryou noticed some pipes coming out of his calves.

His quirk must be related to speed or cars.

When it was Ryous turn, he stood on the starting line by himself with his hands in his pockets. The robot was counting down, so he took that opportunity to surround himself with wind. He closed his eyes and concentrated. He wanted to save the special move that the dragon taught him for another time.

Wind/cloud dragon.

Did master call?

Give me speeds.

Since you are going for 50 meters, I suggest small tornado power. It will go up to 125 an hour. Does master accept?


When the robot reached 'GO', he propeled himself to the other side at the suggested speed. Even so, he made it with 2 seconds flat.

One test down, 7 more to go.

Grip strength

Ryou only stopped when Aizawa told him he was going to break the scale.

Standing long jump

He eaisily cleared the box using wind once again.

Repeated sidesteps

At this rate, people are going to think my quirk is wind. Not that I mind.

Summoning wind, he was able to use it to beat grape dude.

Distance run

Ryou came in first place a few seconds before Glasses guy.

Seated toe touch

Gotta thank my flexibility.

Sit ups

He used his natural muscles to get a decent score.

Ball throw  

Besides Bakago, no one really got a high score. Well, except a brown haired girl who used her quirk to get infinity.

My turn is up next. Izuku first. Now that I think about it, he has been scoring lowest in the class. I still hope he dosen't come in last...

Ryou watched as Izuku walked up to the circle. He began throwing the ball, and Ryou saw his hand begin to glow.


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