Chapter 8

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Text like this is Ryous thoughts

All Might went on saying about how the training was going to help assess certain things.

"Alright, I'll explain more later, but for now, put these on and meet me at the training grounds!"

With that he pressed a button and some shelves opened in the nearby wall with numbered cases. 

Must be the hero costumes. Forgot how mine was supposed to look.

Once the whole class got their respective case, they headed towards the changing rooms. Ryou felt someone approach him.

Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please dont tal-


Well, shit.

"Ryou, we need to talk."

"No we dont."

He continued to walk, passing Izuku. Many wondered why one of the brothers was cold towards the other. By that time, many knew Ryou and Izuku were related. 

"Please, I ju-"

"Like I said, there is Nothing. To. Talk. About."

Ryou was growing annoyed by the second. One thing he hated is persitant pricks. Not that Izuku was a prick. Izuku was going to try again when he was interrupted.

"Young Midoria!"

Both boys turned to see All Might.

"Ah, sorry about that young Izuku! I will like to speak to Ryou for a second!"

Ryou walked towards All Might, not even sparing a glance at his brother. 

"How can I help you?"

"Well, as you might all ready know, you class has an odd number of students! Since this is a partner test, it wouldnt be fair for the class to have three against two, or one against two, so on! So you will be taking this class with class 1-B!"


The direct monotone answer surprised All Might. For some reason, he thought Ryou would be a time bomb like Bakago. But, yet again, whenever Izuku talked about Ryou (which was often) he described him as someone loyal and serious. But if anyone pissed him off, he would go full on Bakago mode on anyone, manners were thrown aside.

"May I ask why you chose me?" Ryou interrupted All Mights thoughts. 

"Well, since you got the highest score in the entrance exam, I beleive you would be the perfect candidate for class 1-B to learn from you!"

"Okay, so should I wait in the classroom, or-?"

"Why dont you change, and join us in the veiwing room! That way you'll see your classmates in action! After that you can join class 1-B!"

Ryou procceded to go to the changing room. By the time he arrived, everyone had already dressed and left. 

Lets see what we have here....

He had sent certain characteristics for his costume, but he didnt go into much detail. He thought, they would be smart enough to add anything else.

But why the fuck does it have to be skin tight?! I thought they only made girl costumes this tight!

His costume consisted of a grey sleeveless shirt that revealed his muscular arms, and somehow made his toned stomach standout. His black pants were also tight, hugging his firm legs, but allowed felexibility. He had brown/black boots that went below the knee with steel toe for extra kick force. His belt was a bit girly, but it was acceptable. He took the opportunity to fill his belt with his stones. So now he had a colorful belt with white, purpule, electric blue, dark blue, lavander, red, and golden stones. Each stone was a sound bomb. To use them, he just had to press on the stone to unhinge it from its place on the belt. Gold was the weakest, and electric blue was the strongest. 

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