Chapter 32

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Words like this are Ryous thoughts.

Muddy and slow. That is the best way Ryou would explain how his brain was functioning.

He was listening but not hearing, looking but not watching, slapping but-

Wait. Did he just slap someone? His hand still had a soft sting of the aftermath.......

Meh, who cares.

This state of mind was comfortable for him, as if he had retired deep within a shell and fallen asleep.


Was someone calling out to him? Who knows, and he definitely didn't care at the moment.

So he did what seemed appropriate at the time: cuddle with the darkness and fall asleep.

Outside his mind~

Ryous body was following the commands of the woman, following closely behind as they moved from one place to another.

His eyes were shining brightly, proof that he was under someone's control, a mere puppet in the hands of a puppeteer.

"Contact All For One," she spoke to a servant nearby," let him know we are going to his sector. I want to show him how much stronger my creation is compared to his- Nomu."

She made a face of disgust when she said that. She simply hated how ugly and deformed they were.

"Yes ma'am."

They got in a limo waiting for them and began their short journey to an abandoned warehouse. The small TV in the car shone brightly in the dark as a press conference was being covered.

"Ah look who it is. Aizawa from UA. He sure does look angry." She chuckled as she drank liquor out of a fancy cup.

Ryou simply stared at the screen, no emotion shown on his face. His grandmothers quirk sure is OP.

The woman was silent as she stared at her 'creation'.

"My, my, I sure did well. I wonder just how much power you have within you. We should probably thank the universe at some point."

Ryou simply responded with a twitch of his body.

After a long silent ride,(thank god he wasn't conscious or else it would have been awkward)
They made it.

It was dark and there were tanks full of liquid and wires coming from them. It smelled bad too.

"How stinky. I would have liked a better welcome." She wiped out a handkerchief out of nowhere(who uses those anymore?) and covered her nose.

Although Ryou had a fairly sensitive nose, he didn't seem to mind the foul smell. They walked to a small room with a simple chair in the center. The walls and everything else was bare, giving an ominous feeling away. Chains and weights were next to the chair on the floor.

"Alright, have a seat my child. I'll be back in a bit." Following her orders, he sat down and allowed two servants to put chains and locks on him. Kind of like Bakago during the festival, but he had an actual collar like if he was a dog.

"I hope you understand, this is just precaution in case my quirk backfires, but I doubt it." She personally applied a human muzzle on him.

"I shall be back. Be patient and don't go anywhere~"

The door closed leaving him in darkness.


Cold, but warm.

The wind is blowing but everything is still.

Drowning in water, but breathing just the same.

Nestled deep within my mind.

Ryou awoke from his slumber, but yet again to see darkness.

Where am I- oh the witch used her quirk on me. Wait, what is her quirk?

He tried moving, and was able to do so. Stretching himself, he felt something strange.

It's like I am stretching and moving, but I am not actually doing it......

A small light appeared out of nowhere, and he had no other choice but to cautiously approach it.

It is getting bigger and bigger...... wait, what?

He was looking out of an eye. As if he were trapped in a vessel looking out from within. How did he know it was an eye?

From the shape of it. And it seemed to be his eye as well. He was walking behind someone.

I know those clothes......

Immediately he pinpointed it to the old witch. They seemed to be walking towards a room, and when he saw what was inside, he panicked.

This room looks like a place you would keep a psycho, and I ain't one!

He watched as he was chained to the chair and then she said something and put a muzzle on.

This bitch. I am not a freaking animal!!!

Before he could do anything though, her eyes shined brighter and he was knocked out.


At the bar, Shigaraki and the rest of the crew were working on Bakugo. This is the only time we shall be thankful for his stubbornness.

He literally just blasted them, and the hand on Shigaraki's face went flying off, making him angry.

"I would never join low-lives like you." The blond sneered. And as if on cue, there was a knock on the bars door, earning everyone's attention.

Suddenly, All Might smashes into the bar, which shocks Tomura, Kurogiri and the Vanguard Action Squad.

"What the-"

Seeing the situation they were in, Shigaraki speaks to Kurogiri.

"Kurogiri, make po-" Before he could finish, Kamui Woods swings in and uses his Lacquered Chains Prison to restrain them, which prevents Kurogiri from creating an escape route.


Dabi prepares to use his flames to burn away the wood, but is stopped by Gran Torino.

It seemed like everything was under control there. Except for one thing. Bakugo was there, but a certain black hair blue eyed student wasn't.

At the League of Villains' warehouse where Ryou was located, Mt. Lady smashes the front of the warehouse by slamming a truck onto the warehouse with her foot.

This surprised Izuku and the others as they watched everything go down. They didn't expect the heroes to be at this location.

Mt. Lady along with other Pro Heros, infiltrate the partially destroyed warehouse and apprehend all the Nomus.

It seemed as if everything was going well on the heroes side.

But deep within the warehouse, inside a dark room, rustling of chains could be heard. Two eyes opened, glowing intensely in the dark.

As mentioned before, a puppet in a puppeteers hands.

Sneak peek for next week:

"Rise my grandson, my creation. Show the entire world what you are made of. Get rid of All Might and help All For One achieve the goal."

Rustling of heavy metal, dragging chains. All eyes were on the dark warehouse. A hovering dark figure, giving chills to everyone.

Glowing eyes appeared in front of the world, staring at All Might with one message clear in their eyes: KILL.

And in a building not to far, a couple watched in horror as their son turned into what they tried to avoid: a monster.

Total words: 1124. Next update Thursday. THANKS FOR READING!!!

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