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'Have you ever fought with Y/N?'


"Physically? Never. Verbally? We've had our fair share of arguments, but we always made up afterwards."

"We've had stupid arguments - like who was better looking or what food was better, but nothing serious."

"Well yeah, we were a couple. All couples fight, it's a normal thing." - 'Did you ever hit Y/N?' - "Hell no, I would never hit a woman."

"I mean, we're best friends. What best friends don't argue over the littlest things? We'd play fight all the time too, but the fights never really meant anything."

"As in physically fight or verbally fight?" - 'Either one.' - "We've argued, but neither of us laid a finger on the other one. Well, unless you want to call her throwing a vase at me "physically fighting". But we had one argument at least once a week, it was a common thing for us, but we never stayed mad at each other."

"Well duh, she's my step-sister, of course we've argued. She's even slapped me before, but I didn't hit her back. Her slap didn't even hurt."

"We've had playful arguments before, but that was it."


Information Gathered

Both Min Yoongi and Park Jimin argued with Y/N frequently while dating.

Kim Namjoon had a few arguments with Y/N.

Kim Seokjin has had "stupid" arguments with Y/N while Jeon Jungkook had "playful" arguments with her.

Jung Hoseok and Kim Taehyung argued with Y/N frequently. Jung Hoseok said it was a "best friend thing" while Kim Taehyung said they argued because they were step-siblings. Y/N has slapped Kim Taehyung, and both Y/N and Jung Hoseok have "playfully" physically fought with each other.


Seems that Y/N was kind of stubborn, seeing as she argued a lot. Is her stubbornness what got her killed? And if so, by who?

Kim Namjoon?

Kim Seokjin?

Min Yoongi?

Jung Hoseok?

Park Jimin?

Kim Taehyung?

Jeon Jungkook?

End of Chapter

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