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Third Person POV:

Jungkook put on his black coat, as well as grabbing something from his room, and stormed off out of the house. Leaving Taehyung to heal and stay at home or things would get worse. Jungkook closed his eyes and like a breeze, appeared to be standing at the top of a very tall building, able to see everything in the bright and lively city night.

The cold winter air brushing against his face, he closed his eyes and held tightly onto the item in his hands. That item, being a small black pendant of a bat holding an amethyst stone. After listening and feeling into the night, he opened his eyes, furious, disappearing into the night yet again. Except this time, he was on the hunt, and he found his prey.

Jungkook found Dean to be feeding on a poor weak girl, she as well was a vampire. Disgusted, Jungkook crossed his arms and legs, leaning next to a pole as the dark shadows engulfed him.

"So this is what you've been up to." He said in a stern voice, catching Dean's attention.

Dean stopped feeding on the girl and let her go as she fell to the floor, he recognized this voice, but he was unsure. Wiping his mouth, he rolled his eyes and said, "Alright, come out you demon. Who is it this time?"

Jungkook looked at Dean's direction, his honey eyes glowing in the dark. He walked out of the shadows and stood in the light, tilting his head, "It's been a while... old friend."

Dean snickered, "So it is you, the almighty reaper!" eyeing Jungkook from afar, his blood boiling, "If it isn't death himself." he remarked, "What are you doing here after all these years Jeon?"

Smirking, "Oh? I don't know..." Looking at his hands and making a fist as he glared at Dean, "Just missed my best friend." Jungkook emphasized, clicking his tongue, "I had some unfinished business." He menaced, and with that, at the speed of light, he was face to face with Dean, "I thought it was time for us to catch up." Jungkook smiled, grasping Dean's throat tightly as the squirming man tried to push Jungkook's hands off of his throat.

"Wh-what the hell do you want, Jeon?" Dean choked out, struggling, gritting his teeth.

Rolling his eyes, Jungkook let Dean go as he tried to catch his breath. "After all these years, I thought you were banished for good. Why is it that you've come back, worse than ever?" pausing, sending a strong kick to Dean's abdomen, "Feeding on humans is fine, but on your own kind? Especially to the point where you kill them off as you wish? One, by one?" laughing, Jungkook then grabbed Dean by his collar.

"Why is it that everything I do to get rid of you, you keep cheating death like a damn roach?" Jungkook's eyes burned through Dean, from gold, to a fiery bright orange.

Dean merely laughed like the maniac he is, "Get your hands off me Jeon." Snickering, "Mina wouldn't like it if she knew what you're doing to me right now, would she?" Catching Jungkook off guard.

Jungkook simply froze, earning Dean a chance to punch Jungkook right in the face, enough to knock him down to the ground.

"Your father wouldn't be so pleased with you if he found out you were secretly in love with someone... again, would he?" Taunting Jungkook, "Having loved a woman that he did not approve of behind his back, and yet..." Pausing, "Oh wait, that's right, she's dead!" Ending with a sarcastic laugh.

Jungkook's heart ached, his anger flowed through his veins, his eyes filled with agony, setting a piercing gaze at Dean. He knew that if it was any moment in time, it would be right now to completely banish the man standing right in front of him, from this world.

Walking closer to Jungkook, Dean bent down to Jungkook's level and tilted his head, faking a look of pity, "Awww, are you still upset that you couldn't live happily with the love of your life?" pausing, "Or is it that you are not allowed to love, ever again?" He grinned.

Jungkook pushed him back and grabbed his throat again, choking him, his eyes a deep amethyst, "You of all people, do not need to remind me, you damned rat." He seethed, "And you have no right to come in between my love life and ruin it all." Almost snapping his neck.

Jungkook's body was soon covered in amaranthine flames, seeping through his skin. "Burn like the disgraceful rat that you are, Dean."

Before Dean knew it, he was soon covered in the flames so hot, his skin melted. He did not have time to scream in pain, for him, it was a silent death. As he melted away, his remains evaporated in thin air.

As Jungkook watched Dean perish, he felt a weight lift off his shoulders, but it was soon replaced with one that weighed down his heart forever. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he whispered, "Forgive me, father..."

His heart felt heavier and heavier by the minute. He did his best to hide how he felt and wiped his tears away.

"I never lied to him... and it was never secret." Scoffing, "yet you took that away from me..."

Taking in a deep breath, he got up and remembered the poor girl who was on the floor a few feet away from him.

He walked up to her and picked her frail body up, her eyes weakly fluttered open and she tried to speak, but it was soon covered by Jungkook's wrist. "Bite." He whispered.

After the girl took some of his blood to be lively enough, Jungkook hushed her and hovered his hand over her face, motioning it downwards, putting her into a deep sleep. He wiped her mouth and placed his two fingers onto the bite marks of her neck, healing them. When the marks were no longer visible, he took her to the hospital and lied that she was passed out on the street.

He left the rest up to the doctors and left her in their care, making his way back home, hoping Taehyung is fine without him. His heart hurt just at the thought of him and Dean's words.

Gritting his teeth, Jungkook cursed under his breath, "I don't... fucking, love him."

Like another breeze, he disappeared into the night. The stars and moon witnessing the events that occurred this winter night, the stars twinkling and sparkling, recording the events that the breeze swept up to recall to the moon.

A/N: I'm sure you can guess what Jungkook's sins and punishment were hm?

Short chapter oops- I hope things made sense and you enjoyed this chapter ~ Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote!

Le_Mochi ~ 💜

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