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Taehyung's POV:

Before it was time for my body to rest and go to sleep, I put Eonjin to bed and told her I'd be in the room next to her after I'm done talking with Jungkook.

I didn't think he was asleep because his door was creaked open and light was beaming through. I knocked twice and said, "Jungkook, I'm coming in." As I opened the door, "I wanted to tha—" as my eyes travelled up from the floor to the bed, they landed onto him.

I stopped myself from speaking anymore, as well as being loud. His eyes were gently shut, lips slightly parted, plump and soft; long lashes casting a small shadow upon his face, creating more depth. He looked relaxed for once. And... he was beautiful.

'Poor thing must've worked himself out tonight, all because of me... and I didn't even notice it.'

Sighing lightly I gently stepped into his room and stood in front of him, shaking my head, whispering to myself, "He must've been so exhausted..." pouting, "didn't even make it under the covers."

I obviously don't want to wake him up, but I also don't want him to end up sleeping cold and uncomfortable. Everyone knows that's the number one thing that'll not let you sleep so well at night. Heck— it sucks. Your feet start to hurt, then your bones start to ache, sooner or later you'll have to wake yourself up.

"How do I do this..?" Not sure exactly what to do, I hoped for the best that he won't wake up and moved to the other side of the bed, removing the comforter for a moment as I grabbed his blazer and placed it on the handle of the door for now.

With a small mental prayer, I went and tried to pick him up— almost falling with him —but he was a bit heavier than I thought...

'Gosh— what is he made of? Rocks? It has to be his damn muscle or something... he's not the slightest bit plump!'

After struggling, I mustered up my strength and managed to gently lie him down with a huff. Pulling the comforter and sheets over him, I tucked him in bed and let him lie in comfort.

His bangs stuck to his forehead, which made him look kind of cute, to be honest. My fingers lightly swept them away from his face before I went to grab his blazer and fold it onto his bed, but I swore, I smelt something familiar ever since he came upstairs. Only now, it's stronger?

As I started to fold his blazer, so it wouldn't be all wrinkly and somewhat crumpled onto the bed or something, there was something red peeking out of his pocket, something sort of off-white but stained... in red.

A gasp left my lips as I pulled it out. Slightly damp but for the most part dry. A few napkins rolled up and stuffed into the pocket, full of blood.

It was obviously his, I could smell it, feel it, and it only made sense that it was his. I didn't understand why at first until I remembered his cry for help as I was bawling my eyes out from earlier ago, not even thinking of the bond for a mere second.

The words he told me a while ago started spiraling into my head, "The bond has already gotten stronger Taehyung. Whatever you feel emotionally, I feel not only internally, but externally. Whatever you're feeling, affects me physically."

I couldn't even imagine what he must've been through because of me, because of what I felt, because of what I let go and disregarded of in that moment in time. For a very long time.

"What have I done..." my hands shaking, I didn't know what to do but fold it back into his pocket and quickly set his blazer to the side, "What did you have to go through, because of me, during that time?"

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