Chapter 2

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I woke up this morning scared I over slept because Kim wasn’t next to me when she normally didn’t wake up till 3. I checked the time, it was 11, so I went to my dad’s room to see Ms. Chris still I’m pajamas.

“I was just about to come wake you up.”

“Oh, where is everybody?”

“They went to Shamira’s house.”

“Can I go real quick?”

“Sure, but don’t take long because we have to be gone before 2”

“Ok” Shamira is my best-friend from here. We got close 2 years ago. She also knew that I liked her brother and liked me. Nobody knew that we had a thing though. When I got to her door I rang the doorbell. When she opened it she jumped on me catching me off guard I stumbled back but caught myself before I fell. I laughed and hugged her back. She’s a younger than me but she was real mature like Kim, then her brother came out. He just stood there looking at me. He lost a lot of weight since I last saw him and he got taller. We were about the same height but now he’s like 6’0 and I’m still 5’6. He came up to me and I started laughing.

“Hey CJ”

“Hey Ever, you look good”

“You’re not so bad yourself” we hugged and Shamira said

“Well come in everybody’s here” I said ok but CJ being CJ said

“Hold on were going to come in a minute I just need to talk to Ever alone” I laughed just thinking about 2 summers ago the last time I saw him.


We were in his old house talking,

“Don’t you go with Arionne?”

“No we broke up last night when she came into my room”

“That’s harsh why”

“Because we only went out for day then she started acting childish”

“How old are you”

“About to be 15 on July 16th and you”


“When is your birthday?”

“March 24”



“Why are you so shy, you’re to be pretty to be shy?”

“I’m not shy I’m just not a loud person unless I’m irritated or mad”

“Oh. I want to kiss you so bad right now”

“Then do it” he moves in and I turn my head

“You funny why you turn your head”

“You went out with Arionne”

“Ok I understand” he moves in this time I don’t turn my head I push him away like a second before he kisses me.

“Did you kiss her?”


“She said you did”

“She kissed me on my cheek”

“Okay” he moves in but I turned my head again.

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