Wake up Kenzie!

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~Zayns POV~

I was sitting next to the bed that Mackenzie had been laying still on for 2 weeks. Ive gone home about 3 times. Danielle was released out of the hospital last week. She now only has some minor injuries. Eleanor is still in the hospital, be she is aloud to leave in a few days. Mackenzies still in a coma. And I cry everyday.

I sit in the room all day and all night. I talk to her too. I know she can hear me. She does little things that let me know shes listening. Even if its twitching her eyes, or making her hand tense up. 

~Mackenzies POV~

Its beautiful. They always say the grass is greener on the other side. And it really is. 

I feel like Im trapped. I know Im alive. I can hear peoples voices. Im guessing the docters. But theres a bot here. The voice sounds so familiar. I just dont know who he is. I wish I could wake up. I really want to. I want to know whos voices these are.

~Zayns POV~

"Come on MK. I know your here with us. Please wake up. Please, please wake up." Her eyes started twitching and the heart moniter started beeping rapidly. What the hell is going on?

"Sir we need you to step out of the room." The docter said rushing in. There were three nurses with him.

"Whats going on?" I asked. 

"Sir we need you to leave." said a nurse, she was practically pushing me out of the room. She pushed me into the hallway and then slammed the door shut. What the hell?

I walked to Eleanors room, knowing Louis would be in there. I opened the door and to my surprise, he wasnt.

"Hey Zayn." She smiled at me. I sat down on one of the chairs. "Its nice seeing you, but why are you here? Why arnt you with Kenzie?"

"I was sitting next to her bed, like I always am. Then her eyes started twitching fastly, and the heart moniter started to beep faster and faster. Next thing I knew, I was standing in the hallway and the nurse slammed the door in my face. Now Im here."

"Im so sorry Zayn! Shes gonna be okay though. Trust me, I can feel it."

"I just wanna know what happened. Like what was wrong?"

"I do too. Why dont you go see if you can go back into the room."

"Ill try. If I dont come back, thats where I am." I got up and walked back to Mackenzies room. The nurses that ran in there before were standing outside the room talking. 

"Exsucse me? But am I aloud to go back into the room?"

"How are you related to her?" a nurse asked me.

"Im her boyfriend."

"I guess we can make an exception. Go ahead. But first, she might not really recognize who you are. Shes a bit, lost right now. Maybe you can help get her memory back."

I rushed into the room and saw Mackenzie sitting up in the bed. She was talking to the docter.

"I remember everything before my 17th birthday. And I remember a big truck coming towards me. And there were two other people in the car." The docter nodded and walked over to me.

"Whats going on doc?"

"Well, she remembers a lot but not enough. She doesnt remember anything from this past year, nut the accadent. I was hoping you could help jog her memory." I walked over to Mackenzie.

"Hi Mackenzie." I said and I sat in the chair next to my bed.

"The voice, you. I recognize your voice." 

"How do you know my voice? I thought you couldnt remember anything that happened this year?"

"Your voice. You would talk to me." She knows my voice. This made my  day get better!

"Do you remember anything I said?"

"I remember you begging me to wake up. When I did I was expecting your voice to be here like it always was. I feel like if it wasnt for you, Id still be in a coma."

"Do I look familiar er anything like that? Does the name Zayn sound familiar?"

"Not really."

"What about Eleanor, Danielle, Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam?"

"Eleanor and Danielle a little. The others not really."

"You remember the crash right?" She nodded. "And there were two girls wth you?" She nodded again. "Eleanor and Danielle were with you. Thats why there names sound familiar."

"Eleanor was sitting next to me. Its becoming more and more clear."

"Do you remember One Direction?"

"Theyre a band right?" I nodded.

"Im Zayn, and Im in that band. So are Louis, Liam, Niall and Harry. The names I mentioned before. Liam and Danielle are dating, and Louis and Eleanor are dating."

"And I know all of you?"

"Yeah, and this may be a little over welmig, but we were also dating."

She smiled. "That does sound familiar. I could feel something about you. You always talked about us."

"Yeah. Thats me. Do you wanna meet the others?"

"Sure! Maybe that will help me remember other things too." I called up the boys, and they said they were on there way. Louis brought Eleanor down.

"I remember you." She said pointing to Eleanor. El smiled. "You were the one sitting next to me." El nodded. "Your Louis. You two are dating." Louis nodded.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Sleepy. Im just scared to go to sleep though. When your in a coma like I was, you can hear everything. Its like your trapped and nothing can save you. You wanna talk to the people, but you cant. You just feel so helpless." Just then, the other boys walked through the door. 

"Mackenzie, This is Niall, Harry, Liam and Danielle."

"Danielle. You were with me." Dani nodded. "Your dating Liam. Niall, you look most familiar. Your the only blondie in the group." He laughed. 

"Anything bringing back anything?" I asked her.

"The accadent is becoming more clear. We were going to do something that day. I dont remember what though."

"Tell us anything you do remember." Harry said. She nodded.

"I remember turning 17, and everything before that. For my 18th birthday, I remember doing something fun with four other girls. I dont rememer there names though."

"You went to one of our concerts. Thats where you met Zayn and you guys started dating. Sounding familiar?"

"Little bit. Wait, so Im dating a famous person?" We nodded. "Thats awesome!" We all laughed.

"Well Im going to take El back to her room before the nurses find out shes gone." They walked out the door and then the boys had to go record. It was back to me and Mackenzie.

"So, i think this might be a little rushy, but would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I would love to! Dont think I forgot all about you. I slightly remember you. I didnt really wanna say thing infront of everyone, but I remembered you being my boyfriend. When you were talking to me, in my coma it helped me remember."

"Do you remember me calling you Mk?" She nodded.

"Im glad to have you back."

"Im glad to be back.." I smiled at her. 

She grabbed my hand and she kissed my cheek. 

What are the Odds? *Zayn Malik*Where stories live. Discover now