Part 3

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Ethan's POV

After Grayson had offered to help me with my work, we had started to spend more time together. We laughed and joked, only this time it wasn't at me, it was genuine happiness. I hadn't been this happy in and a long time. It was nice. Grayson had hardly spoke to his friends, he only really talked to me. Since we have 2 weeks off school, the first week me and Grayson had gone out almost everyday. We did thinks like: ice skating, going to the cinema, going to the beach and going to the theme park.

It was now week 2 and also Halloween tomorrow. Grayson practically begged me to go to a Halloween party that some kid from school was throwing. I hated the idea of being surrounded by so many people but I couldn't resist his puppy eyes so I said yes.

"Come on E, you need to get up. We need to go shopping for costumes!" Grayson shouted, shaking me, trying to wake me up.
"2 more minutes," I groaned.
I heard him leave, so I closed my eyes again. Which was a bad idea. Seconds later, i felt ice cold water splash all over my body, causing me to shoot up and rush out of bed.
"What the hell, Gray?!" I yelled, pulling him onto the bed and began tickling him playfully.
"E-Ethan, please g-get off. I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he laughed.
I crawled off him and got into the shower. As the warm water hit my back, a smile grew on my face just thinking about Grayson. He is so perfect. I stared down at my scarred legs, wondering why I ever did this to myself. I regretted it so much, I was just happy I now had Grayson.

I hopped out of the shower and put black jeans and a plain white t-shirt, before heading back into my room. I picked up my phone and walked downstairs, where I was greeted by my parents and Grayson.
"Hey, Ethan," my dad said.
"Hi," I replied with a smile.
We sat down at the table and ate breakfast and talked about random things.
"You ready to go, Gray?" I asked. He nodded and we headed towards the car. We went to the shopping centre and first we went to the Halloween shop and picked up some face paint. While we were there, we ran in to one of Grayson's ex-boyfriends. Blake. I always hated that guy, although he and Grayson were super close. However one day, Blake got really drunk and cheated on him with a girl in our year, Sarah. He and Grayson broke up but still remained friends.
"Hey Ethan, you okay. You zoned out for awhile. I was just saying that we should get some food with Blake and catch up?" Grayson said.
"Yeah, okay," I replied.
They continued to talking on the way to the restaurant, while I walked behind feeling like the 3rd wheel. When we were seated, we talked about the party tonight, turns out Blake was also going. Yey... not.
"So my friend, James is doing my makeup for the party, I could ask if he could do yours too? I know your not the best at art Gray," he giggled.
First of all, I call him Gray, who does he think he is. And I'm actually really good at art and was planning on doing our makeup. But before I could refuse the offer, Grayson had already agreed. He looked at me with an 'I'm sorry' look, knowing how excited I was about doing it. I just sighed and carried on eating my food.

We got back into the car, this time with Blake, and drove to his friend James' house.
"Hey guys, wow you're both very attractive!" He squealed.
"Hi," we replied, slightly shocked by his confidence.
"So you 2 wanna be werewolves, right?" He asked.
"Yeah. Here's a picture of what we want, it obviously doesn't have to be exact though," Grayson told him.
I was up first. It took around 30 minutes, which is kind of a long time for me to sit still but I managed it. When we were both done, we looked in the mirror and it was actually really good! James did his and Blake's makeup, while me and Grayson put on our new outfits.

 When we were both done, we looked in the mirror and it was actually really good! James did his and Blake's makeup, while me and Grayson put on our new outfits

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We all got in my car and drove to the party. Jake (the boy whose party it was) had a huge house, which was already filled with people dancing to the obnoxiously loud music, with drinks in every one of their hands. I walked in next to Grayson, who could tell I was nervous to be around this many people. I decided to at least try have a good time, so I grabbed drink after drink and danced with Grayson and a bunch of girls all wearing very short dresses and a pair of animal ears. I turned to get another drink and when I looked back Grayson was gone. I then noticed him dancing with Blake. I don't know why it angered me so much to see them together. Ive always understood that me and Grayson could never be together and I wasn't allowed to be jealous. He'd probably think I was a sick freak if he found out the way I thought about him. I sat down at the bar and drank some water, trying to sober up before going home.
"Hey there," the man next to me said "I'm Will,"
"Hi I'm Ethan," I said, confused as to why he was talking to me.
"So how come your all alone, Ethan?" Will asked.
"Well my brother left me and I don't really have any other friends," I fake laughed, trying to sound less pathetic.
Me and Will talked for a while, when suddenly he kissed me. I was surprised but weirdly, I kissed back. We walked upstairs to an empty room. During the deep kiss, my phone buzzed. It was Grayson.

Gray💜: Hey E. Where are you? I'm heading home soon, you coming. X

Me: No I'm gonna stay a bit longer. You go, I'll get a taxi back home when I'm ready. X

Gray💜: Okay, just don't come back too late. Mam and dad will flip. X

I read the last text, put my phone away and restarted the kiss.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Thanks for reading part 3. 1073 words. Xx

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