Part 5

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Ethan's POV

It's the first day back at school today, I am honestly dreading it so much. I was scared that Grayson wouldn't want to hang with me at school and he would want to go back to his old friends. But then he told me "You're way better that those losers, E. You're stuck with me for the whole day!" It made me blush instantly! Then I soon snapped out of my thoughts when we pulled up outside of the school.
"You ready, E?" He asked, gripping my hand.
"Yep," I replied, not sounding very convincing.
He let go of my hand and got out of the car, walking towards the worst lesson, English.

The day was going surprisingly well, until P.E, the only lesson I had today without Grayson to make me smile. While the rest of the class headed outside with the teacher, me being the slow person I am, was still getting changed. Suddenly I felt a strong, muscular arm throw me towards the wall, it was Nate. Grayson's old guy best friend. I tried to think of what I had possibly done now but nothing came to mind.
"So you think you can just take Grayson away from us and get away with it?!" He yelled.
I opened my mouth to talk back but nothing came out. I was petrified!
"Hey, I asked you a question!" He punched me in the stomach making me tense my whole body to try numb the pain.
"I-I'm so s-sorry," was all I could get out.
"Everyday you keep Grayson from us, you will pay and if you ever and I mean EVER tell anybody about this, I will kill you with my own bare hands!" He threatened, pushing me to the ground of the locker room leaving me to cry silently in pain.

Grayson's POV

Ethan has been acting weird for the past week. He's been so distant and even when he gets home, he goes straight to his room only coming down for dinner. He was trying to convince me to talk to my old friends again. I was starting to think he didn't want me around and I wanted to talk to him but I didn't want to pry.

Ethan's POV

I've been trying to avoid Grayson as much as possible but it's so hard. I feel so guilty for ignoring him but things with Nate have only gotten worse. My chest is now covered in purple bruises although it's nothing a hoodie doesn't cover. I was trying to make Grayson at least talk to Nate but he won't listen. I wish he would; but he doesn't know what Nate is doing. So why would he?

"Hey Gray, I'm going to the bathroom. I'll meet you in math," I smiled.
"Okay, be quick though. I don't think I can put up with that rubbish alone," he laughed, warming my heart.
I did my business and was washing my hands when Nate walked in.
"Oh hey, look who it is, the only person in this school who can't read. Here for your daily beating," He snickered.
"Nate please. I've tried telling him to talk to you but he won't listen. I swear I've tried everything. Just please let me go," I begged.
"Let me thing... nah," he evilly smirked.
He punched me in the jaw. Then my nose making thick, crimson blood pour from it. Then repeatedly in my stomach until I was laying on the ground, struggling to breathe. He then resorted to kicking me over and over again. I was starting to lose consciousness, when the fire alarm began to ring, causing my eyes too shoot open, panicking. Nate ran out. I was stuck! I couldn't stand, I needed to get out of here but I was completely useless.

Grayson's POV

I was sat at the back of math, not really paying much attention, when the fire bell began to ring loudly. The class started rushing out of the door and onto the school field. We were put in a line, arranged by alphabetical order according to last names. I then realised that Ethan was nowhere to be seen. I looked around nervously, staying in line in case he showed up but I still couldn't see him.
"Attention students, please remain calm. This is not a practice, the is a real fire!" The principal called though the megaphone.
Panic spread across everybody's faces but mine was only consisted of worry. Everyone seemed to be in line but I still couldn't see Ethan anywhere. I was so scared of where he was, I wasn't thinking straight. So I ran into the burning building, ignoring the teachers shouts for me to stop. I needed to find Ethan!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've had sooo much homework lately. Thanks for reading part 5. 802 words. Xx

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