Part 14

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Ethan's POV

It's only been a month. I know I said 'only' but I have no idea how long I'm going to be down here for so in reality, a month could be nothing.

I stink! I'm dirty! I'm hungry! I'm cold! I haven't washed in about month and I don't think anything could be worse. I just sit on the stone cold floor, below my house, rotting away. Well that's what it feels like at least. I'm alone until about 12pm, when my parents come in and give me some soup and a bottled water. I guess they don't want me to die just yet. They want me to slowly suffer, which I am definitely doing. I have been seeing less and less of my dad though, at first they would both come down but now it's mostly just my mom.

I can't stop thinking about Grayson and how much that letter must have hurt him. I mean I didn't really have much choice in writing it but I just feel so guilty. I just hope he isn't hurting too much.

Grayson's POV

I miss him! So, so freaking much. Why did he have to leave? I searched day and night for 3 weeks, even when the police told me it was no use; because he left on purpose. Although I read the letter, I can't help but think it's fake. I don't know how to explain the bubbling feeling in my stomach, telling me that he's not safe. So I continued searching. But eventually, I began to think that maybe he wouldn't want to see me or that maybe he didn't want to be found, so I stopped.

"Grayson," I heard a soft voice almost whisper from the other side of my locked door.
"Yeah," I answered in a raspy voice, thick from tears and from not speaking so much the past week.
"It's me, Gray. We are worried about you, you haven't left your room in about a week and the school called and said you need to get your attendance back up. I know it's hard that he's gone but you need to get up and eat," my mom said.
"It's not hard for you though! You didn't care about him but for me, he was my whole life, my best friend and my brother. So no, you don't know what it feels like at all," I replied, my voice breaking.
"We're sorry about that, Grayson we told you, just please come out and eat,"
"I'm fine,"
"Please, Grayson," she begged.
"Fine, give me a few minutes.

I got up and walked into my en-suite, with nothing but black Adidas sweatpants on. Checking the mirror, I almost gagged at the reflection that started back at me. My skin was as white as paper except from my under eyes, which were black and purple from lack of sleep. You'd think that being in bed for 168 hours straight, I'd have slept a lot. However, with the worrying thoughts that never left me, I hadn't slept a wink.

I threw on a random hoodie that I found on the floor and pulled up the hood, ignoring my horrendous appearance. As I walked down the stairs, into the kitchen my parents stared at my in shock. Until my mom rushed over to me and pulled me into a tight hug, peppering kisses on my forehead. Whereas my dad just stared down at his cereal, he looked sad and guilty. What is going on with him?

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