t w o || love at first sight

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Eight years ago
August 29th, 2010
Sunday evening
7.59 P.M.
Payne Residence

From : Z :)
Happy birthday Li! Sorry I couldn't make it to your party, family's been keeping me hostage for hours :/ wish I could be there to party with you!! Have a sick night bro xx
7.59 PM

Liam sighed sadly and turned his phone off. He stared blankly at his birthday cake, which spelled the numbers sixteen, sitting on the table in front of him, holding back the tears. He invited a lot of their friends over to celebrate his sweet sixteen, yet none of them came. The party was supposedly starting at seven, but it's been an hour and no one was there. His mother kept saying they were probably just running late but the boy had a feeling that that was not the case. He could understand why Zayn couldn't come considering his family was visiting his grandparents in Bradford and he promised him that they'd celebrate his birthday tomorrow in school, but he didn't understand why no one else came. It hurt him.

"Sweetie, do you want to blow out the candles?" His mother's sweet voice brought him back to reality, the now sixteen year old looking up from the food. He shook his head silently and wiped his eyes before any tears could roll down his cheeks.

"I'm gonna head for a walk." He sniffled, picking up his jacket. He put it on, zipping it up and kissed his mother's cheek before walking towards the front door.

"Hey champ!" His father stopped him before he could leave, making the teenage boy look at him. His father was sitting in his arm chair, watching a football game on tv but his gaze was now fixated on him. "Where are you going?" He asked a little confused. "Aren't your friends going to be here soon?"

"I don't think they're coming, dad." Liam chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "It's whatever. I'll see you later." With that, the brunet exited the house, not giving his father the chance to say something. He exhaled a shaky breath, stuffing his hands into his jacket pockets and slowly making his way towards Hyde Park which wasn't far from where he lived.

Liam honestly should've expected this. But yet he was too excited for his sweet sixteen. Considering you only turn sixteen once. He was really set to have everyone show up and have a good time but things, of course, didn't work out quite as planned. He spent almost all day setting things up for the party and no one even bothered to send a text saying they couldn't come. Except one which was Andy, but it still hurt knowing the rest didn't at least say something. Why would they agree in the first place if they wouldn't bother showing up?

The brunet took a seat on one of the benches and stared at the pond across from him. The cool evening breeze blew through his hair. He sniffled and wiped his slightly runny nose with the sleeve of his jacket, inhaling a deep breath. He didn't want to cry. Not now at least. But just thinking about it made him sadder. He couldn't help it.

He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't realize someone was walking up to the bench. "Hey, is this seat taken?" A soft voice questioned out of nowhere, making the sixteen year old come back and look up. His eyes met with a pair of soft brown orbs, a beautiful young girl standing beside the bench with a friendly smile on her lips.

"Oh- uh no." Liam shook his head and scooted a little to the side, watching as she took a seat beside him. She thanked him and looked ahead, watching the ducks swim around the pond. There was a sudden silence between them, the young lad moving his gaze away from her since he didn't want her to think he was some kind of creep.

"What are you doing here all alone?" The girl asked him curiously, turning her head to face him.

"What makes you think I'm alone?" The brunet glanced at her, raising one of his brows questionably.

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