f i f t e e n || the fight

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1 hour later
4.59 P.M.

Liam stood outside the balcony, smoking a cigarette. He felt stressed. He didn't know wether it was because his best friend was engaged or if it was just gone overreacting again. But he definitely knew he was stressed out. His back was leaned against the wall and he stared up at the sky.

The sun was already beginning to set by the horizon, the sky having a beautiful orange slash pinkish glow to it. He brought the cigarette up to his lips, inhaling a deep breath before releasing a small cloud of mist into the air and watching it slowly disappear as it got blown away by the winter wind.

He still couldn't believe that Zayn was actually engaged to someone. Did time really pass by this quickly? It was fucking with his mind. A part of him was happy, but the other part seemed... disappointed and jealous? He had no idea why he was feeling like this. It was weird. Was he having feelings for Zayn? No... it was probably just because Zayn had found someone who made him happy whilst Liam always ended up with women who broke his heart by thinking cheating on them was another way to tell him he wasn't good enough.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he hadn't realized someone presence appear beside him, up until he heard their familiar voice.

"Liam, are you okay?" It was Zayn.

The brunet whipped his head to face his best friend, their eyes meeting. "Uh, yeah," he cleared his throat, "I'm perfectly fine." He nodded his head and went back to finish the cigarette.

"Are you sure?" Zayn questioned softly, placing a hand on his arm. Liam could feel the spot gain a weird tingle and he immediately moved his arm away to stop it.

Zayn noticed the move and his lips formed into a small frown. He pulled his hand back and sighed softly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong Zayn." Liam responded, seeming annoyed.

"You sure? Because you keep sounding like there's something bothering y–"

"I said nothing's wrong, okay?! Just deal with the answer and go back to your fiancé." The brunet snapped at the latter, rolling his eyes at him.

Zayn was a little offended by that, but he wasn't going to let it slide. "What the fuck is your problem Liam?" It was obvious that he was mad, the glare proving half of it. "I'm trying to be a good friend and help you here but once again you act like a stubborn asshole who can't take it. Are you jealous or something? You don't like the fact that I'm finally happy and settled with someone while you just lay around, feeling sorry for yourself all because you have terrible taste in women?" He snapped at him, Liam being a little taken back by that.

"Don't let your shitty attitude out on me just because you're not happy. At least I'm not the fucked up type to just leave a friend behind who was willing to help you after a breakup only so you can go have sex with some chick you don't even fucking know!" Zayn yelled, the hurt evident in his voice. Liam just stood there, silently watching as his best friend vented and let his anger towards him out.

"I'm tired of this Liam. I'm honestly fucking tired of your bullshit. Either you pull yourself together or you leave right now and don't come back. I don't need this. I really fucking don't. I have been there for you for so fucking long and instead you repay me by ditching me for sex. Is that all I'm worth to you? Am I just someone you go to before you move on to the next? I haven't seen you in months. Months Liam," Zayn emphasized, "and the one time I wanted to spend an evening with you, alone without anyone else, you ditch me and leave me alone in a fucking art gallery with no way to get back home because you were desperate for a fuck."

The dark haired beauty inhaled a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head disappointingly. "You know what, no. Just- just no. I want you to leave." He suddenly declared, not even sharing another glance at the lad.

"What...?" Liam asked, surprised and hurt by that. "Zayn..." He was about to reach out for zayn's hand, but the latter moved away.

"You heard me Liam." Zayn kept a straight face when he looked back at him. "I want you to leave and I don't want you anywhere near my wedding, understood?"


"Leave!" Zayn screamed, pointing at the door. Liam flinched a little at that. He never really expected him to react this way, but instead of arguing, he did as told. He threw the burned out cigarette away and passed the dark haired latter silently, heading back inside.

Everyone else was waiting there, staring at the brunet which gave away that they eavesdropped on the fight. He didn't say anything and just headed out of the room to collect his belongings and book a ticket back to England. His mind was fuzzy and he could feel his heart ache in his chest knowing he had disappointed Zayn once again.

He slumped on the bed, staring blankly at the floor before burying his face into his palms and releasing a frustrated scream.


Just a small filler because there is going to be a time skip in the next chapter

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