s e v e n || first breakup

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Five years ago
May 19th, 2013
Sunday afternoon
4.57 P.M.
Payne Residence

"You- you what?" Liam blinked, trying to contemplate whether he heard her right. He stared at his girlfriend with hurt and anger pulsing through his veins, not sure how else to react to this situation. It sure wasn't something he had expected any time soon.

"I just- I just think you and I aren't good for each other anymore." Danielle said, biting her lip. She was fiddling with her skirt, avoiding any type of eye contact with the latter. "And I kind of- I kind of met someone else..." she trailed.

"What do you mean you've met someone else? Have you slept with them or something?" The brunet scoffed and looked at her, raising a questionable brow when she pursed his lips. "H- have you?" His voice cracked a little. The thought of her having cheated on him completely threw him off. He never expected her to pull something off like that – not after their three year relationship.

"I- it just... happened." She spoke, her voice barely reaching a whisper. "I fell in love with him Li." The curly haired girl sighed softly, closing her eyes.

Liam felt his heart shatter into a billion pieces, his body tensing with anger and his mind spinning with thoughts. He shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut to stop him from crying, but the tears just ran down his cheeks. "So- so you're telling me that- that you sleeping with another guy just happened? And- and you ended up- you ended up falling in love with him... is that what it is?" He asked, sniffling. He looked up at her, expecting an answer but nothing came from her.

"Is it!?" He suddenly yelled, causing the girl to flinch at the rage that was laced in it.

"I'm- I'm so–"

"Get out." Liam interrupted her, pointing at his door. "Get the fuck out of my fucking house and don't come back!?" He glared at the girl, motioning for her to leave. Danielle looked at him with hurt in her eyes, yet she silently nodded her head, wiping her own tears away as she got up from the bed.

The brunet listened to the sound of her heels clicking against the wooden floor as she headed to the door, not once looking up. The hot tears were streaming down his cheeks and as soon as the door opened and closed, he completely broke down.

1 hour later
Sunday evening
6.33 P.M.

The brunet's room was filled with silence. It took him a while until he calmed down from his breakdown, but he was now blankly staring at the wall. He had called zayn over and explained to him the situation, the dark haired beauty being quick to swing by and spoon him up in his arms. They were cuddling on the bed, Zayn holding him close against his chest.

"Do I deserve this?" Liam asked with a mumble, shifting a little to get into a more comfortable position.

"Of course not." Zayn shook his head and rubbed at his arm. "No one deserves this." He said softly, admiring the brunet.

"Then why did it happen?"

"Well, in life, stuff like this happens. We won't be able to change it." He said softly and hummed. "It's just the way things work. People fall out of love, some cheat because they feel the need to look for that reassurance, some just can't stand it anymore and leave. There'll always be a stupid reason. But see it this way, a new chapter of your life begins." He tried to cheer him up, gently poking his side. "You can start a new beginning. You're single which means you can do pretty much anything you want now." He chuckled and sunk his teeth into his bottom lip, watching as the younger latter turned around to face him.

Zayn's heart broke at the sight of Liam. His eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying, his cheeks tear stained. His plump lips were formed in a small frown and he stared at his best friend like a lost puppy sitting alone in the cold rain. Knowing that Danielle had broke him this badly made him want to rip her apart. Liam didn't deserve this and it broke him knowing that he was this hurt and sad.

"Zaynie?" Liam's soft voice brought the older latter back, a hum escaping him. "Yeah Li?" He asked, running his fingers through his short quiff.

"Am I not good enough?"

"Babe, please don't think like that." Zayn said and placed a hand on his stubbled cheek. "You are good enough. Don't ever doubt your self worth because of one person. Please. You're such an amazing human, I'd hate to see you doubt yourself because of this." He caressed his cheek and smiled softly as they stared into each other's eyes.

They were having a moment, both of them just laying there in silence while deeply staring into each other's eyes. Zayn has the urge to lean down and kiss his pouty lips, but he didn't want to take advantage of Liam. Especially when he was so vulnerable.

The dark haired lad instantly looked away when he noticed he was staring too long, clearing his throat. "I'm gonna get you some tea." He told him before getting up, nervously gnawing on his bottom lip. He quickly headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs, feeling his heart beat heavily in his chest.

He walked into the kitchen, greeting Liam's mother. "Hey Karen." He smiled and gently patted her back, getting a cup from the cabinet above her.

"Hello love." Karen looked up at him. "How's he doing?"

"Not so good." Zayn sighed and shrugged. "She really broke his heart." He told her while shaking his head disappointingly. He felt bad for being happy that Liam and Danielle were over, but he couldn't help it. He has been wanting to have Liam for so long and maybe now he had the chance. Of course he would wait, until things died down and he would feel a lot better, but he still would try to make it more and more obvious to him that he was in love with the brunet.

"My baby," Karen frowned at that and sighed, "I'm glad you're here Zayn. Me and his father had tried everything to get in his room, but he simply wouldn't let us in." She gave him a soft smile and kissed his cheek. "Take care of him."

"You know I always do, Karen." Zayn returned the smile, watching the middle age woman exit the kitchen to join her husband. He bit his lip, watching as the couple sat beside each other in the living room while watching tv and cuddling. He wished he could have something like that. A strong marriage with a never ending love story. Hopefully one day his husband would take care of him like Geoff took care of Karen.

The dark haired latter sighed and fixed the brunet his favorite tea, adding two teaspoons of sugar and a dash of milk. He mixed them together and headed back upstairs to join his best friend, only to be met with a big mess on the bedroom floor.

Liam was sitting on the carpet, cutting up all of Danielle's clothing she had left behind in his room. The anger was evident on his face and in the way he was aggressively destroying all of her things. The more he damaged, the more tears rolled down his face.

Zayn immediately placed the cup of tea aside and sprinted towards him, dropping on his knees beside him. He snatched the scissors from his hands before he would hurt himself with them and pulled him into a tight embrace. Once again, Liam broke down, clinging onto his best friend for dear life as he cried his heart out. His tears were soaking Zayn's shirt, but he couldn't care less. He rubbed at his back, reassuring him that he was there and whispering sweet nothings into his ear so he could calm down.

The two best friends sat there on the floor, the twenty year old rocking both of them back and forth whilst pressing soft kisses against his forehead. He never experienced Liam this broken before and it tore him apart to see his best friend like this. So, to keep a good eye on him, her decided to stay the night. His lectures wouldn't start even start until noon so he could stay with brunet until then to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid.


Double update😋

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